Chapter 8.

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The weekend ended and it was again Monday morning. Hyukjae arrived at the workplace on time. "Morning everyone!" He thought that Sungmin and Yoona must've come by now and Donghae would come late. But it was the exact opposite. Donghae was sitting at his desk, with no sign of Sungmin and Yoona. "Morning Hyukjae-ssi".

Both Hyukjae and Donghae similarly spent their Sunday. They both just stayed on the bed, thinking about each other. While Hyukjae was having bad thoughts such as Donghae making him work more, talking with him rudely, or even worse, using his powers to kill him. On the other side, Donghae did find Hyukjae a bit annoying when he was not ready to believe everything, but he chuckled at how weird yet cute Hyukjae was. He remembered their first kiss. He badly wanted to taste those plump lips again.

Hyukjae immediately gave Donghae a 90-degree bow. "Good morning teamjangnim!" Donghae smiled at his silly behavior. 'He must be thinking I'm gonna be harsh on him.' Hyukjae looked up to see a smiling Donghae. His heart skipped a beat seeing his smile. His thin soft lips made a beautiful smile. He shook his head to get rid of those thoughts. "Teamjangnim do you want coffee? Or maybe juice? Or something to eat?"

He went closer to Donghae asking. "Do you want a massage? Do you want me to do your work? Do yo- ahhh" Hyukjae tripped while walking. Donghae was quick to hold Hyukjae's hand and pulled him making him sit on Donghae's lap. "Are you okay?" Donghae asked. But Hyukjae was definitely not okay. 'I AM SITTING ON HIS LAPS OMFG!!!! THIS IS SO AWKWARD! BUT I KINDA LIKE IT- YAH HYUKJAE!!!!' He made eye contact with the elder. Donghae was caressing his back. 'AHHHHHH WHAT IS HE DOING OMG!!'

They both were lost in each other's eyes when they heard a loud gasp. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry to interrupt you both. Continue whatever you were doing." Sungmin bowed and ran away. "Yah Min!" Hyukjae called his friend. It was too late. Hyukjae quickly got up from Donghae's lap. "T-teamjangnim I'm s-sorry. Umm I-" He was mentally cursing himself for being clumsy. 'Now he will definitely kill you Lee Hyukjae'

"Hyukjae-ssi don't apologize all the time. It's fine." Hyukjae realized he has been saying sorry way too much these days. Because he was doing stupid mistakes all the time. And it always involved Donghae as well.

"Can I come now?" Sungmin asked peeking from the door. "No one asked you to leave Min!" Hyukjae said rolling his eyes. He put down his bag and settled himself on his desk. Sungmin was giving both of them mischievous glances. 'Looks like my plan worked! My Hyuk is finally dating oh my gosh!' He took out his phone to tell about this to his boyfriend.

"Ah teamjangnim! Yoona is a bit sick today, so she won't be coming today." Sungmin informed. Donghae nodded in understanding. "Let's do our best today too!". He said to Sungmin and Hyukjae.

While they were working Sungmin nudged Hyukjae. "Yah Hyuk! Are you two dating?" He asked whispering. Hyukjae stopped whatever he was typing. He gave a loud sigh making Donghae look at them. "Min-ssi, do your work ok? Or you know I'm very capable of making your Kkyu get jealous to the point where you won't be able to walk for a week!" He replied before typing the thing he left. Donghae widened his eyes. He went back to his work trying not to be awkward.

"I hope Donghae fucks you so hard that you lose your voice screaming his name huh!" Hyukjae turned his head slowly to give Sungmin a deadly look. "Michin saekki ssi-" Donghae cleared his throat loudly to make them stop. Poor Donghae's ears heard every single word between the two besties. 'Never thought they're like this.' Donghae got goosebumps when his mind remembered those words.


During their lunchtime, Sungmin suggested having lunch together with his boyfriend and the potential new couple. "Woah I heard you both are dating already. Aigoo our Hyuk is grown up now!" Kyuhyun cooed over his long-time single friend. "Aniyo Kyuhyun-ssi. We're not dating!!!" Donghae denied all their expectations. Because he knew, in the end, he had to be with Jieun. Hyukjae was thinking if Donghae could use his powers to make the annoying couple shut their mouth forever.

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