Chapter 20.

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Hyukjae kept running on the road. He was panting but didn't stop. 'Where should I go?" He kept running until he started feeling weird. He stopped abruptly. "Ohh! Arghhh" His body felt weird, as if something is churning his heart. "Mwoji?" He clutched his chest and thumped on the ground. "Arghh fuck what is going on?!" He asked himself.

"Oho look who's here~" Hyukjae looked up to find a familiar guy. "J-junsu?" Hyukjae's eyes widened looking at his friend. Junsu looked exactly the same when they met the last time. 'He's a demon now!' Hyukjae grumbled and got up, stumbling. "Who's gonna save you today? Your hero won't be up at this hour." Junsu smirked coming closer to Hyukjae.

Hyukjae's heartbeat quickened. His palms becoming sweaty. 'He can tell me where is the evil one.' He took a deep breathe. Junsu groaned before jumping at Hyukjae to attack him. In defense, Hyukjae tried to push Junsu, with his eyes closed in fear. "Arghhhhhhhh" Hyukjae opened his eyes hearing a loud thump. "Huh?"

Hyukjae's palms released power which pushed Junsu hard on the ground. "Ssibal- you have powers???" Junsu asked raged. Hyukjae couldn't believe. 'I-i have powers?' Junsu came towards Hyukjae again. This time, Hyukjae grabbed Junsu from his neck. "Woah!" He felt weird, but strong as he picked Junsu in air. He got a bit courageous. "Tell me where's the evil one!"

Junsu was trying to get out of Hyukjae's grip. "TELL ME!!!" Hyukjae's grip tightened. He let go of Junsu when the demon finally replied. 'How do I change him into human?' Hyukjae knew that killing the evil one would ultimately make Junsu back to human, but he thought it wouldn't be good to let a demon roam around in the mean time.

Despite cursing himself mentally, Hyukjae decided to ask Junsu only. "H-how do I m-make you a human again?" Junsu, who was trying to get free from Hyukjae stopped hearing him. Hyukjae dropped him on the ground with a loud thud. "P-ppali! Tell me! I don't have time." Junsu scoffed. "You must be dumb. Do you think I'll tell you." Hearing him, Hyukjae went to him, choking him again. 'Hae did something like this only that time.'

"Arghhhhhhhhhhhh" Junsu yelled loudly as Hyukjae's powers were working on it's own, making Junsu a human again. "It's working!!!!" Hyukjae's eyes sparkled looking at his friend turning into a human again. Junsu fell on the ground. Hyukjae bent down beside him. "Junsu-yah! Kim Junsu!! Ireona!" Hyukjae patted the latter's face. He grumbled opening his eyes slowly. "H-hyukjae?" Hyukjae released a sigh of relief. "Eo! It's me! Get up." He helped his friend to get up. "What are we doing here?" Confused Junsu asked. "Listen, I don't have time to explain right now. I have to go somewhere. I'll tell you later hmm? Bye!"


"It's too late." Ryeowook and Yesung reached home at around 2 am. "Donghae hyung and Hyukjae hyung must be sleeping." Ryeowook said getting a nod in reply. "Let's go to cafe late in the morning. I don't think we both would be able to wake up early." Yesung joked. Ryeowook chuckled. "Ne. Good night hyung!" Yesung smiled and pecked Ryeowook's cheek. "Good night Wookie."

They were about to go to their respective room, when Donghae came yelling. "Hyukjae!!" Ryeowook and Yesung looked at each other confused. "What happened?" Yesung asked getting closer to Donghae. They both gasped when they saw Donghae was crying. "H-hyung! Hyukjae's not at home!"

Yesung wiped the tears. "What do you mean? Wasn't he here before?" Donghae nodded. He told them that they both were sleeping. But Donghae woke up as he felt thirsty. He found the other side of bed empty. He started finding for Hyukjae. Tried to call him, but Hyukjae left his phone at home.

"H-hyung, what if a demon or that evil one did something to Hyuk?" Yesung shook his head. "Nothing would've happened. He must be fine. Let's go find him." Ryeowook was standing there, having no idea at all what the brothers were talking about. "Hyung? What's going on?" Yesung looked at Ryeowook. "Wookie, listen. I'll tell you everything later. We both will go to find Hyukjae. You stay here. And go to sleep. Hmm?" Yesung took the car keys and nodded to Donghae. They both went out leaving Ryeowook. "But-" Before Ryeowook could ask something, they both were out. He sighed and went to his room. He decided to stay awake and wait for them, instead of sleeping in such a situation.

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