Chapter 12.

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Sungmin looked at Hyukjae, Donghae, Ryeowook and Yesung one by one. All four seemed awkward for some reason, and Sungmin couldn't understand. No one was ready to open their mouth to talk. It was awkward, which both Kyuhyun and Sungmin were not liking at all. They all were gathered to have their lunch.

Donghae was quite surprised when Ryeowook came before Yesung and ran to sit beside him. Hyukjae was shocked too, but he felt glad as he was still embarrassed to face Donghae, because of Sungmin. Donghae took a look at Ryeowook, who kept fidgeting in his seat. He was sure, that the reason for Ryeowook's weird behavior was his angry bird brother, Yesung. Donghae took out his phone to message him, who was sitting in front of him.

Hyung, what did you do to your babe huh? He's pretty awkward. Hoksi, you did something to him? Aigoo couldn't control your hormones ;)

Instead of replying to Donghae's message, Yesung kicked him under the table. Donghae bit his lips to not let out a scream. "Why are you all so awkward?" Sungmin asked them pouting. Sungmin was a fun guy, always wanting to have a happy atmosphere, but those four gloomy souls were ruining his mood. Yesung turned to his left where Sungmin was sitting and glared at him. The memory of Sungmin giving poor innocent Ryeowook advice on making love flashed.

"Sungmin-ssi" His blood froze at the elder's horrifying glare and that psychopath smile. Sungmin looked at his boyfriend asking for help. But Kyuhyun too was scared of Yesung. The couple had received plenty of glares from people, but Yesung's one was the most terrifying. "N-ne, h-hyung-nim?" Yesung patted Sungmin's shoulder. The latter forgot how to breathe. He never found anyone as intimidating as Yesung. He was so scared that if Yesung had asked him to give all the property and Kyuhyun to the elder, he would've accepted it immediately.

"I really appreciate your concern. But I'd love it if you keep your life-saving advice to yourself only. Okay?" Sungmin gulped his saliva and nodded. He understood what the elder was talking about as Kyuhyun had told him that his voice was heard by every passenger. Yesung swept his hand through Sungmin's fluffy hair. "Aigoo gwiyeopda!" Though, Yesung's words were nice, his aura was definitely not. Not just Sungmin, everyone else too was holding their breath to not make a noise. "Let's eat!"

During their lunch, Ryeowook didn't look at his crush even once. He was overwhelmed because of the kiss and wanted to avoid Yesung at all cost. When the elder kissed and confessed to Ryeowook, he ran out of the room without caring about the perplexed Yesung. It was not like he was disgusted or something. In fact, he was blushing madly. He touched his lips remembering Yesung's feather-like soft lips on his own. It was his first time experiencing such a thing, so he wasn't able to handle it properly.

When Yesung saw the younger dashing out of the room, he regretted doing that. He thought that Ryeowook didn't have the same feelings for him and that he kind of molested the younger as he kissed Ryeowook without his permission. He was going to call Ryeowook to say sorry, but instead got a call from Kyuhyun asking to come down to have lunch at the hotel's restaurant.

Yesung wasn't able to eat the food properly as his mind was full of thoughts. 'What if he hates me now? Aish why did I do that? I should've taken things slowly! Seriously I'm a dumbo!' Hyukjae sensed that Yesung wasn't in a good mood. "Hyung, why aren't you eating? Everything okay?" Yesung looked at Hyukjae and sighed. He was contemplating whether he should ask Hyukjae for help or not. Hyukjae was the best person among all to help Yesung. He didn't trust Donghae, Kyuhyun and definitely, Sungmin in such a matter.

He decided to have a talk with Hyukjae alone and ask for his help to make things better between him and Ryeowook. "Yeah. Everything's fine." Yesung replied not wanting to keep Hyukjae waiting. "Have a talk with me later. Please." He whispered to Hyukjae. The latter was confused but nodded. 'Something definitely happened between him and Ryeowook.' Hyukjae thought because of the way Ryeowook was acting.

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