Chapter 11.

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It was finally the week of their team trip to Jeju. Hyukjae was living with Donghae at his home since that incident with Junsu. Hyukjae got very much close with both brothers during that short period. Sungmin was happy to see Hyukjae being in love and hanging out with his boyfriend most of the time. He even asked Hyukjae whether he was living with Donghae, as they both used to come together and leave together too. Donghae asked Hyukjae to not tell anyone about it or else if Junsu gets to hear this, it would be a problem.

"Wow! I can't believe finally it's our team that got one week trip!!!!!" Sungmin said happily. They used to get jealous when other departments got holidays from their boss except for their team. "I know right! Finally, your team is getting the reward" Kyuhyun replied hugging his boyfriend from the side. Kyuhyun decided to join them on their trip in place of Yoona, because her boyfriend's brother was getting married so she decided to stay back.

"When are Yesung hyung and his boyfriend coming?" Hyukjae asked Donghae. It was near the time of boarding but Yesung and Ryeowook were nowhere to be seen. Yesung left the home taking his luggage to pick up Ryeowook from his home even before Donghae and Hyukjae were ready to leave. "Hey!" They all turned towards the voice and saw Yesung and Ryeowook. "Very sorry for being late!" Yesung said panting. Donghae went closer to his brother and whispered. "Having a quickie huh?" The elder refrained himself from choking Donghae, because he didn't want Ryeowook to see that side, yet. Yesung grinned dragging Donghae. "We're not dating yet you brat! Don't say such things in front of him!" Donghae chuckled and nodded.


When they got on the plane, everyone was mentally cursing to whoever booked their tickets. Donghae, Kyuhyun and Yesung were sitting together in the middle row, while Sungmin, Ryeowook and Hyukjae were in the left row. Hyukjae was banging his head on the wall as he got the window seat. 'First trip with Donghae, and I have to sit with Min and Ryeowook aish-'. Donghae gave a deep sigh staring into nothing. "Ok I get we all wanted to sit with our boyfriends, but c'mon don't be sulky you both!" Kyuhyun commented looking at both sides. He was getting annoyed by the gloomy brothers sitting on his both sides.

"Can you stop banging your head? It's getting annoying." Sungmin told Hyukjae. He was already not in a good mood because he didn't get to sit with Kyuhyun, and Hyukjae was irritating him more with the banging sound. "Yah! I didn't wanna sit with you either!" Hyukjae retorted. Ryeowook meanwhile was quiet sitting between the two. He wanted to make their mood better but wasn't sure if he could do that or not. "P-please don't fight you two" Hyukjae and Sungmin glanced at each other when Ryeowook said it. "Geurae. We shouldn't be fighting. We can spend time with our boyfriends there too" Hyukjae nodded agreeing with Sungmin.

"So, err, what was your name?" Sungmin tried to start a conversation with Ryeowook. "Kim Ryeowook" The younger replied. "So Ryeowook, do
you like him? Donghae-ssi's brother I mean" Ryeowook widened his eyes. It was too sudden for him. Sungmin noticed Ryeowook's uneasiness. "Was that a difficult one? Then lemme ask an easier one. How old are you?" Hyukjae snorted. Sungmin really was a clown. "I'm 25." Sungmin cooed at Ryeowook. He pinched the younger's cheek. "Aigoo you're a babyyyyyyy!" Ryeowook giggled at Sungmin's silly yet cute behavior. Ryeowook found both of them very easy going and he liked being friends with them.

The whole time, Sungmin was giving Hyukjae and Ryeowook relationship advice. Sungmin got to know that Ryeowook has never dated anyone and Yesung was basically his first love. He even asked both to call him "sunbae" as he was the only experienced one in dating which made Hyukjae almost throw the milkshake he ordered on Sungmin's face. Ryeowook was getting a cultural shock at Sungmin's not-so-decent words. Sungmin told different positions to try out during the trip with their boyfriends to spice up their dating life.

"I can literally hear your boyfriend giving my poor Wookie advice on having sex!" Yesung glared at Kyuhyun who was chuckling hearing his boyfriend. Sungmin was known to be the loudest person ever. Almost the whole plane was able to hear Sungmin. Donghae put airpods to not hear Sungmin seonsaengnim's lecture on "how to use different toys on your boyfriend". He wondered how were Hyukjae and Sungmin best friends despite being total opposites.

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