Chapter 14.

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Ryeowook eyed the elder making sure he doesn't notice. He was still dazed about the incident that happened in the morning. Though, talking with Hyukjae helped his confused mind a bit, he wanted some more time before making up his mind. He was sitting on his bed after bathing and so was Yesung on the bed opposite to him. The elder was busy on his phone talking with Hyukjae that he didn't realize Ryeowook's stare.

Hyukjae-ah what do I do? Ah I can't face him!!!!!!

Hyung just talk to him. He'll understand. Told ya I've already assured him.

Still, I'm scared. What if he hates me? What if he leaves me forever?

Hyung, stop pestering my Hyukie. And go talk with your Wookie baby. BYE.

Yesung cursed silently looking at the message. Donghae was never helpful. And neither did he let Hyukjae help. Yesung turned towards Ryeowook and the younger immediately averted his gaze. He clumsily picked up his phone pretending to be busy. Yesung gathered up the courage to talk to him. "Ryeowook-ah" Ryeowook clutched his phone tightly. Although he knew the elder was going to talk to him, he felt nervous.

"N-ne?" Yesung got up from his bed making his way towards Ryeowook. He sat on the younger's bed a bit away from Ryeowook to not make him uncomfortable. "I'm sorry for the morning. I shouldn't have done that. Mianhae Ryeowook-ah" Ryeowook saw guilt in the elder's eyes. He didn't want Yesung to feel that he did something terrible. "Aniyo hyung, don't be sorry. I understand. I-" He felt he should confess his true feelings or else Yesung would blame himself always.

Yesung examined the younger as he stopped abruptly without completing his words. "You what?" Yesung hoped to hear from Ryeowook that he also has the same feeling. "I-... I l-like you too, Y-yesungie hyung." Ryeowook said in a low voice but audible enough for Yesung. The elder's face brightened upon hearing those words. "Really?" He knew it wasn't a dream, but still, he wanted to confirm. Ryeowook nodded shyly.

Yesung went closer to the younger wrapping him tightly in his embrace. "I'm so happy Ryeowook-ah! I'm so much happy!" Yesung was on cloud nine hearing the younger's confession. He was so over the moon! "You, you're not saying under any pressure right?" Ryeowook broke the hug shaking his head. "A-aniyo." Yesung smiled. He caressed Ryeowook's cheek. "Wookie, can I?" Ryeowook widened his eyes. He was still not over the kiss in the morning.

The younger looked into Yesung's orbs. His gaze was soft and loving. 'Kiss is normal between couples. I shouldn't be shy. We're dating. I guess?' Ryeowook took a deep breath and nodded lightly. Yesung pecked the younger's forehead before leaning to kiss his soft lips. Ryeowook's eyes were closed tightly. Yesung was taking time looking at the younger's pretty face this close.

'He's so pretty!' Yesung thought. The more he looked at Ryeowook, the more he found himself falling for the younger. He looked at the younger for the last time before closing his eyes as well. He was about to press his lips on the younger's lips when a call disturbed them. "Aish ssi- ahem." Yesung controlled himself from cursing in front of Ryeowook. The younger blushed in embarrassment. He picked up the pillow and buried his face in it.

"Wae?" He picked up the call and asked in a rude tone. "Ah hyung! What were you doing?" It was none other than his annoying brother. "Yah you- why did you call me?" Yesung really wanted to punch Donghae for interrupting his precious moment with Ryeowook. "Nothing special. Hyukjae was talking to his cousin on the phone. I was getting bored so I decided to call you." From the tone, Yesung knew Donghae was teasing him.

"Fuck you." Yesung said in a low tone and ended the call. He looked at the younger who had his face buried in the pillow. Donghae's phone call made the atmosphere awkward for them. 'Aish that bastard.' He gave a loud sigh. Ryeowook was sure the elder is annoyed. But he was scared to face Yesung at the moment.

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