Chapter 21.

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With the ash in his hands, Donghae was sitting there for minutes without saying anything. His body shivering and tears flowing continuously. Yesung kneeled down too and hugged his brother. He was crying badly as well, but maintained himself. He needed to be strong, for Donghae.

"H-hyung Hyukie left me!!!! He left me forever!" Donghae kept weeping in Yesung's arms. "Shh Donghae. Calm down. Let's ask the master if he could help us hmm" Deep down Yesung knew that not even their master could not do anything in this situation. He had already told Donghae that this was his soulmate's fate.

Yesung took out his phone, still hugging Donghae, to call the master. After few rings, he picked up. "Master!! Master H-hyukjae! Hyukjae- He" Donghae couldn't complete his sentence. His words choking up. Yesung patted Donghae to stop him. "I know kid. Your soulmate died." Tears falling down from both the brothers' eyes.

"Master can't you help us?" Yesung asked with a little hope. They heard a deep sigh. "You both know very well. I cannot do anything." Donghae wiped his tears harshly and yelled. "YOU'RE A FUCKING KILLER! YOU KNEW MY SOULMATE WOULD GET IN DANGER! BUT YOU NEVER HELPED! I BET YOU JUST PRETEND THAT YOU CAN'T HELP! YOU CAN! BUT YOU WANT TO FUCKING PUT ME IN MISERY! YOU BLOODY MURDERER BRING BACK MY HYUKJAE!"

Yesung tried to stop Donghae. "Donghae stop! He's our master!" Donghae scoffed. "Master my foot! He is a fucking killer hyung!" The younger broke down in tears again. "He's a killer! He never tried to protect Hyuk! Never." He voice became low. Yesung hugged Donghae again with his phone on the ear. "I'm sorry. He's not stable right now master. I'm very sorry." He got a hum in reply. "I understand. Take care of him."

They both were sitting on the ground for about an hour in complete silence. The only sound was of Donghae's sobbing. "Donghae." Yesung whispered softly. "Let's... let's go home." Yesung knew it wasn't right to take him home right now as Donghae would get reminded of Hyukjae looking at his things in his room. "H-home? My home left me" Yesung's eyed filled with tears. He burst into tears. "I know Donghae. I know you love Hyukjae. I do too. I considered him as my brother as well." He wiped his tears before continuing. "But we can't stay here Donghae. We should go. We... we can take the ash too."

Donghae looked on his hands, where he gathered the ash. "I-i will take you home Hyukie. O-our home." With wobbly legs, he got up from the ground. Yesung helped him to stand up and took him to the car. Donghae's eyes were fixed on his hands. Yesung took out a box from the back and gave it to Donghae. "Y-you can put it inside this."

Donghae kept the ash in the box. He laughed. "Is it too small Hyukie? Hmm? I'll get you a bigger box okay?" Yesung was heartbroken looking at his brother's condition. He wanted to soothe him, but Yesung himself was grief-stricken. He started the car to go home, which was not going to be same as before.


Ryeowook was getting worried. It was almost 5 AM, but there was no sign of Yesung, Donghae and Hyukjae. He kept walking back and forth in the hall. His ears perked when he heard the door opening. "Hyung! Where's Hyukjae hyung? Did you both find him?"

Yesung looked at his brother, who was dazed. "Donghae-yah, go to your room ." He said softly. Donghae shook his head. "Hyukjae's things are there." The elder bit his lips to stop himself from crying. "Okay. Go to my room then hmm" Donghae sighed before making his steps to the room. "Hyung what's happening? Where's Hyukjae hyung?" Ryeowook was having a very bad feeling about the situation.

"Come with me." Yesung dragged Ryeowook to the guest room where Ryeowook was staying. They both sat on the bed. "What I'm about to say, listen it carefully. And, I hope you don't freak out." Ryeowook gulped in fear. His heart thumping loudly. Yesung released a deep sigh. "Me and Donghae, we both are wizards!" Ryeowook blinked at him confused.

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