Chapter 17.

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The rest of the week passed quickly. Their team trip to Jeju ended, and it was now time for them to get back to their boring working life. All of them enjoyed their time on the trip with their boyfriends as well as each other. They returned back on the Sunday morning, so they got time to take rest before starting the work, again.

Sungmin whined while returning that it was too short for the hardwork they've been doing, to which everyone agreed. Life had been hectic for all of them. The trip, even though passed quickly, as in their opinion, refreshed their minds.

While everyone was heading to reach their home from the airport, Ryeowook was stopped by Yesung. "I hope you remember what I said." Ryeowook nodded understanding what the elder was talking about. "I'll call you later, to pick me." Yesung ruffled the boy's hair.

Yesung decided it's better for Ryeowook to move in quickly. It was not safe in Seoul for him to be alone, not when he was involved with the wizard brothers. He asked Ryeowook to pack his stuff as soon as they reach, because it was going to be Monday the next day, and it would've made everyone busy.

During their vacation, the two got pretty close. Ryeowook wasn't as shy and awkward around Yesung as he used to be. The two used to talk about each other a lot, every night. Yesung also told the younger that Donghae was not his brother by blood, which didn't surprise Ryeowook much as he kinda expected it. He never thought they looked like brothers. Even their surnames were different. And Ryeowook talked about his family, his not-so-supportive parents, the most because Yesung was curious to dive into the younger's past and lifestyle, to know him better, and also to make things go well in future.

Near the taxi, Donghae found Hyukjae stretching his body before sitting inside. "Stiff body?" Hyukjae nodded answering to his boyfriend. "I'll give you a massage at home." Donghae's voice was seductive which made Hyukjae flick his forehead. "Atleast look at the surroundings before speaking." Donghae saw the driver smirking.


"Ahhhhh I missed home!" Hyukjae said flopping down on the sofa. Yesung shook his head. "Not your home though." Donghae sealed his lips to not let out a laugh. "Ah ne ne." Hyukjae pouted. Yesung remembered something. He clapped his hand to get Donghae and Hyukjae's attention. "Ryeowook is moving in today." The couple nodded before realizing. "Wait what?" Both said at the same time.

"Sorry I forgot to inform before. Hyukjae, you're gonna move in Donghae's room, so Ryeowook can stay in that room." Donghae scoffed. "Woah! Your kicking out my Hyukie for your boyfriend? How mean!" Yesung rolled his eyes. "I'm not kicking him out saekkiya! You both are comfortable enough to sleep in the same bed, but me and Ryeowook aren't."

Hyukjae nodded understanding. He remembered how the younger always blushed when he mentioned Yesung around him. "Okay hyung. I'll move my stuff to Donghae's room asap." Yesung patted Hyukjae's shoulder. "I knew you'd understand Hyukjae-ah." He said eyeing his brother who was standing with his arms crossed, still pissed that Yesung was kicking out his boyfriend.

"Ouch" Donghae gasped at the pain when Hyukjae slapped his arm. "Stop glaring at hyung. And come help me move my stuff." Donghae scoffed. "You're taking his side? He was the one who said NOT YOUR HOME THOUGH." Donghae replied mimicking Yesung for which he heard "Ssibal saekki" from his brother, audible enough for him only.

Hyukjae rolled his eyes before dragging Donghae to the room. Yesung chuckled, loving that Hyukjae had control over his bratty brother. He took out his phone to message Ryeowook.

If you need any help in packing, tell me. I'll come.


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Ryeowook was rolling on his room's floor being embarrassed yet excited. "I'm gonna move in with Yesung hyung!!! Oh my god!!!!" He covered his face with his palms. His breathing was heavy from the vigorous activity he was doing since he reached his home.

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