Chapter 19.

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"B-baby?" Donghae was taken aback by Hyukjae's words. Never even in dreams he expected Hyukjae to say such a thing. "Baby are you sure? We can wai-" Donghae couldn't complete his sentence when Hyukjae placed his lips on Donghae's ones. It was just a peck, but they both felt a spark in their bodies.

"I-i'm ready Hae." Hyukjae whispered. Donghae shook his head. 'If we do it, Hyuk will realize he has powers. I can't do that.' He made a distance between them. "Hyukie there's no rush hmm? Don't push yourself." Hyukjae huffed. He got up and sat on Donghae's laps, circling his legs around Donghae's waist, and arms around the neck.

Donghae was astounded by his actions. Before the elder could say anything, Hyukjae attacked his neck, sucking and biting it. "Mmh H-hyukie, b-baby don't-" The elder was overwhelmed because of Hyukjae's soft lips on his neck. Donghae's body was heating up, but his mind had different intention. 'Baby please don't!' He was screaming in mind, but couldn't utter a single word.

Hyukjae left his neck when he was satisfied by the marks he gave. His face was flushed. Even Hyukjae never expected that he would do something like this with Donghae. They both were panting. With shivering hands, Hyukjae made his way to Donghae's shirt. He gripped the hem of Donghae's shirt, trying to pull it up. "Hyukjae don't!!" Hyukjae flinched at the sudden loud voice. He looked up at Donghae's face.

Hyukjae's eyes got teary. "D-don't you love me H-hae?" Donghae's eyes widened. He hugged the younger tightly. "It's not like that baby. I do. I love you so much. But... but you're pushing yourself too much Hyukie." Hyukjae broke the hug sniffling. He placed a peck on the elder's lips firmly. 'If I don't make love to Hae today, then he'll never do it. I have to get the power.'

-Yesterday night-

Hyukjae grumbled in his sleep. "Hae" He stretched his hand to touch his boyfriend. But he found nothing but an empty space. "Umm?" He confusedly opened his eyes. "Where is Hae?" He got up rubbing his eyes. He thought maybe Donghae was in the kitchen to get water. He made his way out of the room to look for his boyfriend. He heard some noises from the living room so he went closer.

"I didn't mean that Donghae. But you know, you're the one, who can give Hyukjae power to kill that bastard!" Hyukjae gasped hearing Yesung. He put his hands on his mouth to prevent the sound. 'What does hyung mean?' His curiosity rose hearing Yesung's words.

"Hyung! What do you want me to do? Tell Hyukjae that Hyuk have sex with me! Then you'll get the power to kill the evil one. And, and that you can die fighting him!" Hyukjae felt himself losing balance. But he maintained himself. 'What? I'm the one who can kill the demon? And not Hae?' Hyukjae felt sweat forming on his forehead, vision getting blurry. He heard Donghae's voice again. But this time it sounded like he was crying.

"I can't do that hyung. I can never put Hyukjae in risk. I can't... I don't want to...". Hyukjae felt like crying too looking at his boyfriend's state. He wanted to go and hug Donghae, but he didn't want the elder to know that he heard them. "Shh. I'm sorry Donghae. I'm so sorry. Just, just do whatever you think is right." Hyukjae saw Yesung hugging Donghae.

'So he lied to me... Hae lied to me.' He immediately went back to the room making sure to not make a noise. He covered himself with the blanket completely. 'Hae why did you lie?' He was sniffing when he heard the room door opening. He felt Donghae coming closer and sitting on the bed. "Hyukjae-ah..." Hyukjae almost cried out loud hearing Donghae's cracked voice. He knew the elder was crying. He felt Donghae getting up to leave the room again.

But Hyukjae didn't stop him. He wanted to be alone. He did wonder where Donghae was going at this hour, but didn't do anything. When he realized Donghae was gone, he removed the blanket and sobbed loudly. 'Why did you lie to me Hae? To protect me? But how can you- Hae your should've told me! If people can be saved because of me, then I have to take the risk!'

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