Chapter 6.

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Hyukjae fixed a few strands of his hair before leaving his home. Sungmin had asked him to hang out together as he was aware that Hyukjae must be curling up in his bed all day long feeling ashamed. He told that a new cafe was opened and became quite popular within a week. Hyukjae took his wallet and phone and left the home. He saw Kyuhyun's car parked outside his apartment. "Thanks for taking me out with you." Hyukjae said slumping.

They reached the cafe after a few minutes as it wasn't too far from Hyukjae's house. Kyuhyun parked the car. They all stepped out of the car. "Wow, the cafe looks good from the outside!" Hyukjae said looking at the beautiful building. "Its interior is even more pretty! Gaja!" Sungmin replied tugging Hyukjae. As soon as they stepped inside, Hyukjae's eyes fell on somebody he wanted to see the least at the moment. He loosened Sungmin's grip on his hand and tried to run away. Instead, he smashed himself onto the gate. "Aish" He managed to open the door clumsily and went out.

Sungmin followed behind his friend. "Yah Hyuk! Where are you going?" He grabbed Hyukjae's hand. "Min!!!!! I saw Donghae there!!!! Ahhhhh I can't face him right now!!!" Sungmin tilted his head. "You sure it was him?" Hyukjae nodded hiding his face in his palms. "Oh right. You've kissed him. So it's impossible for you to not recognize him" Sungmin teased his already embarrassed friend. "Minnnnnnnnn!!!!!!" Hyukjae stomped his feet. Sungmin chuckled. Hyukjae might be 32, but his behavior was like a kid.

Hyukjae was pouting when he noticed something. "Where's Kkyu?" Sungmin looked around. He realized his boyfriend wasn't with them when they left the cafe. As if the two besties shared telepathy, they both gave each other a shocked look, and then peeked inside the cafe. "That shit is sitting with Donghae!!!!" Hyukjae shrieked. He fisted his hands. "Min I'm gonna kill your boyfriend today! That motherf- ahhhh jinjja!!!"

Sungmin just clicked his tongue. Hyukjae glanced at him. He saw that Sungmin was kind of annoyed. He quirked his eyebrows. "Ain't no way I'm letting you waste your first kiss on a random dude. C'mon, you're gonna date him." Hyukjae widened his mouth. His friend was going to set him up with a pervert! Hyukjae tried to say something, but his words weren't coming out. Before he could protest, Sungmin dragged him inside the cafe. "Oh Min, Hyuk! Here!" Kyuhyun waved his hand gaining their attention.

Hyukjae tried to get out of Sungmin's grip. "An anchovy can't win against a bunny!" Sungmin made him sit on the chair across from Donghae. "Annyeonghaseyo teamjangnim. Didn't expect you to be here." Donghae smiled at them. "Don't be so formal outside work. Just call me Donghae." Sungmin hesitated a bit because Donghae was a few years older than him. "I'll call you Donghae hyung! Is that ok?" Donghae nodded smiling.

All three kept chatting about themselves. Donghae got to know that Hyukjae, Sungmin and Kyuhyun went to the same school and have been friends since then. He also found that Hyukjae and Sungmin were 5 years younger than him, and Kyuhyun was 6 years. Donghae told about himself as well. Upon hearing that the owner of this cafe was Donghae's brother, Hyukjae made up his mind 'I'm never coming to this cafe again! Hmph!'

Hyukjae was just praying to god to make him disappear asap. He was too embarrassed to look at Donghae. His head was hung low all the time. "Hyukjae-ssi?" The younger stiffened upon hearing the voice. Before Donghae could say something else, Yesung came with a tray. "Freebies~" He put the free foods on the table. "Ah, there was no need." Sungmin pondered taking the free dessert. "You all are Donghae's friends. I can't let you all go like this."

Hyukjae took a glimpse of the dessert. It was strawberry pastry. His mouth got watery looking at delicious things. He loved everything that had strawberries in it. He loved strawberries more than anything else. 'Hyukjae no! Control yourself.' Yesung saw Hyukjae's scrunched-up face and hesitant hand trying not to eat. Yesung ruffled his hair. "Don't hesitate. It's for you only." Hyukjae looked up surprised. He nodded shyly. Yesung walked away smiling at Hyukjae.

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