Chapter 5.

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Hyukjae got up with a very bad headache. He whimpered at the pain. He somehow managed to make himself sit up. 'Argh why does my head hurt so much?' He took the water beside him and drank all of it in one go. Slight memory of him drinking soju last night flashed before him. He remembered that he went to a team dinner but suddenly Jieun showed up there. 'Aish I can't remember anything after that.' He took his phone to call Sungmin.

After a few rings, he finally picked up the call. "Hyuk... Hyuk I already messaged you. All the answers to your questions are in that message. So don't disturb me." Hyukjae put his phone away from his ear to look at the notifications. Sungmin did message him. "Oh sorry I didn't check. Why are you panting though? Ahh exercising on the weekend?" Sungmin always told Hyukjae how he wanted to have great muscles like Kim Jongkook. "Because we're fucking. Now don't interrupt us Hyuk." Hyukjae widened his eyes at Kyuhyun's reply. "Aish that was too much TMI." Hyukjae got goosebumps imagining his friends having sex. "It's called TMI for a reason you asshole. Fuck off now."

Hyukjae stared at the ended call. 'Horny bastards. How come they're doing in the morning?' He shivered at the thought. He opened Kakao and started to read Sungmin's messages.

You must be awake to read my messages now. So lemme tell you why that head of yours is hurting. You drank a whole bottle of soju in oneshot. I don't think you remember anything that happened. After being drunk, you pushed Jieun off her chair, sat beside your good boy, I mean Donghae, cursed Jieun, and....

You kissed Donghae on the lips. Yes you gave your first kiss to that pervert! Hyuk you're such a dumbass really! You better apologize to him. And don't even think of pretending to be oblivious. Be glad I didn't throw you outta the car while dropping you home.

Hyukjae dropped his phone in shock. He couldn't believe what he just read. He shook his head in denial. 'No no no no! I can't! How can I kiss Donghae? It was my first kiss! I gave it to him!?' He shrieked in horror. He wished to just disappear from this world. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH LEE HYUKJAE YOU DUMBASS!!!! YOU STUPID!!!! YOU MICHIN-NOM!!! YOU GAVE YOUR FIRST KISS TO A PERVERT YOU PABO!!!!" He smashed his face on the pillow and started cursing himself. "HOW WILL I FACE HIM NOW!? LEE HYUKJAE YOU'RE A FUCKING PABO!!!!"


At Donghae's home, he got up early to join his hyung at the cafe. He was standing in front of the mirror checking his outfit. His mind was still thinking about the kiss last night. He touched his lips. Hyukjae's lips were soft and plump. Totally kissable. Donghae shook his head at the inappropriate thought. He patted both his cheeks firmly.

"You can slap yourself as much as you want later. But now, ready to go?" Yesung came out of the blue. "Eh? Ah yes. I'm ready." Donghae cleared his throat and immediately dashed out of the house sitting in his car. Yesung too came and sat on the passenger's seat. "Mwoya? Everything ok?" Yesung asked. Though, he knew something definitely happened. The younger's face and ears were red. "Yeah, I guess?" He didn't want to tell his hyung about last night. At least not now.

"Ok. Nevermind. I have something to tell you. I found my soulmate!" Yesung chirped. Donghae smiled widely. "Really hyung? Who's it? He or She? What's the name? How does he or she look?" Yesung chuckled at the younger's excitement. "You'll see him today. He's a part-timer at my cafe." Donghae grinned at the thought of meeting his hyung's soulmate.

But then he wondered about his soulmate. He started to find Jieun annoying, for some reason, which even he didn't know. Besides this, he was having weird feelings for Hyukjae lately. "You sure everything's fine? You look distracted." Yesung broke his trail of thoughts. He needed to clear his mind. "I'll tell you later."

During the drive, Donghae received a message. "Hyung can you check who messaged me." He thought it might be an urgent message. Yesung took Donghae's phone. He read the message from the notification panel. "Teamjangnim I'm so sorry for yesterday. I was drunk, that's why I did such a horrible mistake. I'm so sorry! Please forgive me! Sorry! I beg you to forgive me! I'm so sorry Teamjangnim! I swear I didn't mean it. It was just a mistake. Sorry!"

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