Epilogue (Part one)

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"Hae do I look good?" Hyukjae asked checking himself in the mirror for the nth time. Donghae sighed. "Yes baby you look great!" Donghae was ready and waiting for Hyukjae to be ready for an hour. The younger kept changing his outfits as he didn't like any of them. "Really Hae?" Donghae grabbed Hyukjae's hand and pulled him to sit on his laps. "If you ask me one more time baby, I'm not gonna let you leave this room tonight." Hyukjae gulped nervously. Donghae smirked. "I'll make love to you whole night. So it's better if we just get out soon." He whispered in the younger's ears seductively. Hyukjae got up immediately. "G-gaja. I'm ready."

They both were going to Yesung's cafe. In the celebration of Hyukjae coming back, they were having a small party. Sungmin and Kyuhyun were coming as well. They were about to leave the house when Hyukjae's phone rang. "Oh! Teukie hyung?" Hyukjae picked up the call. "Hyung!!!" He chirped. "Hii baby brother! How are you?" Donghae just stood there. He knew Hyukjae had a cousin, but didn't know his name. So he just assumed that Hyukjae was talking to his cousin only. The call ended after few minutes with Hyukjae's face glowing. "Hae! My cousin Leeteuk hyung is in Seoul! So I invited him to Yesung hyung's cafe. I haven't met him in a long time. Is it okay?" Donghae smiled and nodded. "Of course baby."

They drove to Yesung's cafe. During the drive, Hyukjae was telling Donghae about his cousin, Leeteuk. Despite being cousins, they always treated each other like siblings. Leeteuk was a tv show producer. For a drama, he went to Japan for few months. He was back so he called Hyukjae to meet up. "Will your hyung like me?" Donghae asked. He was meeting someone from Hyukjae's family for the very first time. He was nervous that Leeteuk might not like him. Hyukjae pecked the elder's cheek. "Don't worry Hae. Teukie hyung will definitely like you." Donghae's lips stretched into a huge smile.

They reached the cafe. Donghae parked the car and they both got off the car. "Hyung!" Donghae called his hyung as soon as they stepped inside. "Hyukie here!" Sungmin and Kyuhyun were already present in the cafe. Hyukjae ran to sit with his friends. Donghae chuckled at his cute boyfriend. "Donghae hyung!" He saw Ryeowook coming out of the kitchen. "Hello cutie!" Donghae said pinching Ryeowook's cheek. Ryeowook giggled at the act. "Don't flirt with him." Yesung came out of the kitchen too. Donghae rolled his eyes at his brother's possessiveness.

"Guys come here!" Sungmin shouted from the seat. They all went to sit together to enjoy the night. When everyone sat, Hyukjae patted the table. "Listen. Today my cousin Leeteuk hyung is coming too. He came from Japan after so long so I invited him today. Is that okay?" Sungmin and Kyuhyun's eyes sparkled. "Teukie hyung is back to Seoul?" Sungmin asked ready to jump any time in excitement.

"Yes Minnie!" They all turned behind to see Leeteuk already standing at the door. "Teukie hyung!!" Hyukjae left his seat and ran to hug Leeteuk. "Aigoo my dongsaeng missed me?" Hyukjae nodded his head pouting. Sungmin and Kyuhyun too came to hug the elder. "Aww I missed you all too!" Leeteuk ruffled Kyuhyun's hair and pinched Sungmin's cheek. "Hyung come with me. I have to introduce you to someone." Leeteuk raised his eyebrow. Hyukjae took Leeteuk and made him sit in front of Donghae, who was screaming in his mind.

"So umm Teukie hyung, he's Donghae. M-my boyfriend." Leeteuk looked at Hyukjae first and then to Donghae. He thought for a second. "Min have you met him?" Leeteuk asked. Sungmin got surprised by sudden question for him. "Yes hyung. We all work in the same department. I know him very well." Leeteuk nodded his head. "If Min doesn't have any problem with you then you must be perfect for my brother." Donghae smiled. He got up and bowed to him. "Thank you hyung-nim. I promise, I'll take care of your brother!" Leeteuk smiled and motioned him to sit.

Hyukjae introduced others too. "Hyung this is Yesung hyung. He's just one year younger than you. And this is our makdoongie. Ryeowook. Yesung hyung and Ryeowook are dating too." Leeteuk chuckled looking at the blushing maknae. After the introduction was done, Hyukjae bombarded his cousin with questions. "Hyung you don't have to go anywhere again right? You have to meet me everyday for atleast a month to compensate for your Japan trip. Didn't you find anyone to date? Hyung you're too old to be single now! Me, your hopeless dongsaeng is dating too!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2023 ⏰

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