Chapter 4.

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The next morning, Donghae was getting ready to go to work, even after getting threatened by Hyukjae and Sungmin that they will make him eat Wasabi if he dared to come. Donghae chuckled imagining Hyukjae's cute angry face. He looked adorable, like a cute baby while being angry. "Fell for her already?" Yesung interrupted his thoughts. The younger ignored his hyung fixing his hair. "Insolent brat." Yesung said before leaving. Donghae was purposely ignoring him, because the elder did the same yesterday night.

When Donghae reached the company, everyone was giving him a weird look while whispering something to each other. 'Mwoya, why is everyone acting strangely? Do I have something on my face?' With such thoughts and some more weird glances from people, he finally reached his office. "Why is everyone acting weird today? Do I look odd? People are looking at me strangely." He asked his co-workers as soon as he reached. Yoona tilted her head in confusion. "I don't know. Maybe they got to know you got hurt. So they must be worried I guess." Donghae remembered their look. 'It didn't look like they're worried.'

Meanwhile, Sungmin messaged his friend.

Yah! Maybe they all believed what you said yesterday. About him being a fuck boy!

Hyukjae choked on his saliva reading the message. He had forgotten about it. Honestly, he didn't expect people to believe all the shit he told yesterday. But unfortunately, they all did believe him. "Hyukjae-ssi you okay?" Hyukjae nodded at his team leader's question. Sungmin was dying while trying to control his laughter. Hyukjae glared at him pouting. "Anyways, let's go back to work. We have so much to do."


A month passed quickly. Donghae was too busy and immersed in his work that he forgot to make a move on Jieun. Killing the evil one was important, but he couldn't ignore his work. Besides, their marketing team was looked down upon by everyone in the office, so Donghae wanted to make things better.

During the lunch hour, Donghae went to the cafeteria to eat lunch. He was the only one left to eat. He was walking his way when he found Hyukjae hugging a guy. He went closer to them to listen, but not too close. "Oh my god Junsu I missed you!!!" Hyukjae said hugging the guy again. "I missed you too Hyuk-ah. And I'm sorry I couldn't buy a gift for you." Hyukjae pinched Junsu's cheek. "It's fine. You're back that's enough."

Without realizing it, Donghae fisted his hands. He didn't know why he was feeling like this, but he hated when Hyukjae hugged that guy named Junsu. They seemed pretty close. He went towards them angrily. "Hyukjae-ssi don't you have work to do?" He gave a death glare to Junsu. Hyukjae was surprised because Donghae never talked in a rude tone. "A-ah ne. Junsu I have to go. See you later." Hyukjae eyed Donghae before leaving. Junsu got a bit intimidated too. He bowed to Donghae and left.

The realization hit Donghae. 'What did I do? Aish Lee Donghae.' He regretted talking to them like this. After eating lunch, he went to the office. He saw Hyukjae sitting on his chair looking dazed. 'He must be wondering why I did that' Donghae thought and went closer to him. "Err Hyukjae-ssi?" The younger looked at him but immediately averted his gaze. He played with his finger nervously. "I'm sorry Hyukjae-ssi. I don't know why I talked in such a tone. Maybe I was too hungry. Anyways, I'm sorry for that."

'Is he bipolar' Hyukjae wondered. "It's ok teamjangnim." The leader was still feeling bad. Since he came, they never had a meal together. He thought having a team dinner would be good. "Listen everyone!!" He clapped his hands gaining everyone's attention. "Let's have our dinner together tonight! You all have done a great job with this new product. It's my treat for you guys." Yoona and Sungmin jumped in excitement. While Hyukjae just let out a sigh. "Yah! Why are you sulky? He doesn't pester you anymore talking about Jieun. And he's willing to pay for dinner too!" Sungmin came and whispered to Hyukjae.

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