Chapter 2.

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The next morning, Donghae reached the office way too early. He couldn't sleep properly the night before. He thought of initiating things between him and Jieun. Even though, Hyukjae said she was a playgirl, Donghae wanted to believe that she will change. He was deep in his thoughts that he didn't notice Yoona, Sungmin and Hyukjae coming. "Teamjangnim! You're here early." Yoona said. Donghae got out of his world. "Oh yeah. I got up early today so thought why not go to the office instead of wasting time at home."

Hyukjae eyed him from head to toe. He didn't expect Donghae to be a pervert. Well, that's why people say, don't judge a book by its cover. Hyukjae averted his gaze the moment their eyes met. He cleared his throat. He went towards his desk to work. "Hyukjae-ssi?" Hyukjae wanted to avoid him but Donghae called for him. He thought the latter was again going to ask about Jieun. "Ne?"

"Have you prepared the list of the popular influencers?" Hyukjae gave a sigh of relief. "Ne. I gave half of the name to Yoona-ssi, because it would be faster to contact all of them if we both do it." Donghae hummed. "Ok then tell me who's ready to promote the product when you both contact all of them." Both Yoona and Hyukjae nodded.

While Hyukjae was working, he got a message on Kakao from Sungmin.

Hyuk! What do you think about our new teamjangnim?

Hyukjae frowned at the message. He was confused why suddenly Sungmin was asking him this.

Well it's been just one day since he came, and I haven't seen his performance yet, so idk.

Donghae, Hyukjae and Yoona heard a loud AISH from Sungmin. Donghae gave him a confused look. "Ah i-i just mistyped something. You guys continue your work." Sungmin explained nervously. He glared at Hyukjae. But Hyukjae didn't understand why he was glaring. He got another message.

No wonder you're single. I meant do you find him good looking? or hot? or cute?

Hyukjae rolled his eyes at the message. He loved Sungmin, but hated whenever he interfered in his dating life.

Min you better not get into my love life! Or else imma burn all your pink bunny plushies. And one more thing, meet me at the coffee place. I have something to tell you.

Hyukjae got up from his seat. "Teamjangnim I'll be back from the restroom." He answered to Donghae. The latter smiled. "Hyukjae-ssi you don't have to tell me where you're going. I don't mind as long as you don't lag behind in your work." Hyukjae didn't expect such a reply from him. He thought Donghae was just a pervert, but realized he's a sweet guy. Sungmin winked when Hyukjae made eye contact with him. He mouthed ASSHOLE to him and left.


Hyukjae was waiting for Sungmin at the place. "Yes Hyuk. What do you wanna tell me? Did you fall for our Teamjangnim already?" Hyukjae flicked his forehead. Sungmin hissed in pain. "Ouch, that hurts!" He pouted. "Then stop talking nonsense." Hyukjae clicked his tongue. Sungmin pouted more. "Now tell me."

Hyukjae closed his eyes taking a deep breath. "I saw Jieun yesterday." Sungmin couldn't believe his ears. He was sure Jieun went to Japan, there was no way she could be in Seoul. "Didn't she go to Japan?" Hyukjae nodded in reply. "That's what I heard too. But it looks like she works here now." Sungmin gritted his teeth. "That bitch. Did she say something to you?"

Hyukjae told his best friend about all the things, even about Donghae. The whole time, Sungmin's mouth was wide open in shock. He decided to set his best friend with Donghae, but now after hearing the story, he changed his mind. "Wow, I didn't know he was a pervert." He pouted again. "I was going to set him up with you. Aish. Handsome guys shouldn't be a pervert!" Hyukjae nodded. His eyes widened when he repeated Sungmin's words in his mind. "YOU WERE GOING TO WHAT?" He shouted. "YOU-" Hyukjae started beating Sungmin. "Ouch ouch Hyuk it hurts. Stop! Ouch"

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