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Red strings.

It was a common story, a myth of sorts told to him by his mother. She seemed to be very fond of the thought that each and every one of the people that walked amongst the world has their very own partner assigned to them by fate itself.

Every night, she'd tell him stories made up by her own mind with the obvious topic being the red strings. Each story was different in its own way, whether it be from the genre or the small details he managed to pick apart and notice.

[Name] loved his mom, he truly does. She was a strong woman that raised him all on his own due to reasons his mother wouldn't tell him.

She was the only person he'd ever admired, that's why he kept it a secret.

The young child had always been able to see those so-called red strings his mother always dreamt about. He's seen how the strings led far and wide from certain people, seen how the strings come near each other only to separate once again because those destined people were still strangers.

He's always been able to see them, that's why it breaks his heart to see the almost nonexistent string on his very own mother's finger.

It saddened him how the same string she dreamed about lay cut and dull on her pinky finger, slowly but surely disappearing as the years passed by.

[Name]'s never told anyone about this little talent of his.

Sure, he's asked rhetorical questions to people about the red string but besides that, he didn't really talk about it with anyone. The only person he'd ever come to trust in his 10 years of life was his mom and if he couldn't tell her this secret of his, then the chances of him doing so to anyone else were close to none.

"Hey, Mom," He started softly as he laid still in bed, eyes staring up at the softly lit glow-in-the-dark stars he begged his mom to get him a few months ago. The room was quiet as his mother paused her fairy tale story of the night.

"Yes, my dear?" His mother spoke softly, her arm gently caressing the crown of his head.

"How would you feel if you found out you don't have a red string?" [Name]'s voice was filled with childlike curiosity as he turned on his bed to face his ever-so-kind mother. "Like you once had a red string but now you don't anymore."

His mother was a bit taken aback by the question as she stared at the innocent gaze her only son sent her. A small melancholy smile appeared on her face as she moved the hand patting her son down to his cheek instead.

The mother and son duo stared at each other for a moment before the mother spoke again. "It's late [Name], why don't I tuck you into bed and you go to sleep?" She was quick to say, smoothly changing the topic.

A small frown appeared on [Name]'s face at his mother's avoidance but he didn't press more. He'd gotten used to how his mother shut down topics she wasn't comfortable with. Normally, a child would whine to get what they wanted but [Name] was different.

He'd always been smarter than most kids, well that's what the adults told him. What they didn't know was that he was just good at reading other people. He was a calm observer, someone that chose to sit back and watch instead of engaging immediately.

After years of watching his mother, he's come to notice most of the struggles she unconsciously showed at home. While she tried her best to put up a front when she was with him, she was still a human being with emotions. Humans break and so did she, at times.

Over time, he's developed an unconscious habit of trying to be less of a burden despite knowing his mother would never think of him like that. He never asked much of anything, he never picked anything too much for his mother to get or do and most of all, he'd follow his mom's requests without any questions.

Without much thought, [Name] gave a silent nod at his mother as he turned to face lay on his back again, eyes staring up at the ceiling and its stars once more. He felt his blanket he tucked in tighter before a kiss was planted on his forehead.

"Good night, dearest." His mother spoke near his ear, her voice filled with so much love and affection for her the only light that illuminated her grim life, her one and only child. "Get some rest, you have a busy day tomorrow."

[Name] gave a wordless nod as his mother stood up to plug in the night light, the same one she bought for him when he was still so afraid of the dark. Although he wasn't that terrified anymore, she kept plugging in the night light before she left his room.

As [Name] watched his mother near the door of his room, he couldn't help but speak silently with fluttering eyes.

"I love you, Mom. You're the best."

His mother stopped in her tracks for a second before gently raising her hand up to open the door. As she did so, [Name] felt his eyes flutter to a close, successfully falling asleep.

"I love you too, my little star."

That same night, [Name] dreamt of floating around in space as he rode the moon, a single red thread that glowed brightly pulling the moon that he rode on as the stars danced around him.

It was truly a nice dream.

-Tie a Knot,

prologue fin~

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