Chapter 13

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[Name] held his breath back as he froze on the spot. His heart seemed to jump within his chest as he couldn't bring himself to turn around and face Reo.

"Who's there?" Reo asked once more as he slowly stood up. Nagi seemed to pause as well as he watched the purple-haired teen after discreetly grabbing his phone back.

Reo took light steps toward the wall before finally peeking behind it. "[Name]?" He spoke with wide eyes.

[Name] took in a deep breath as he plastered a smile on his face. He turned to his side without making eye contact. "Hey." He spoke quietly.

Reo's eyes couldn't help but widen in realization. No wonder there was so much commotion earlier, today was the day [Name] returned from his tour! And he completely forgot! He'd been so busy with Nagi these past few days that it completely slipped his mind.

"I'm so sorry-" Reo reached out a hand but [Name] was already dismissing him before he could continue.

"No, no! It's completely fine." And it really was. Although it was a bit disappointing not to see Reo right as he got back, [Name] knew he couldn't always be the other's priority. Reo was a busy person with all his responsibilities so he had expected this at some point. "I get it."

He just didn't expect that the reason for Reo's absence would be due to him meeting his soulmate.

"Still..." Reo could be seen pouting as obvious guilt showed on his face. "Let me at least make it up to you!"

"It's seriously fine." [Name] shook his head with a smile, feeling a bit better now that he was talking to Reo again. "You don't need to make it up to me for anything. Just seeing you again should be enough." He spoke earnestly, trying to dissuade Reo.

His words, unfortunately, seemed to have the opposite effect as they made Reo feel even worse and far more determined to do something for him. "You're making me feel even worse, you know that right?" He spoke with a deadpan expression, eliciting a laugh from [Name].

"Am I? Oops." He smiled in amusement with no sign of apology on his face.

"You're so-" Reo was about to quip back only to get interrupted by loud shooting noises.

"Damn, I lost again." Nagi's monotone voice was loud against the quiet hallway, causing Reo to whip his head around in remembrance of the other.

"Nagi!" Reo turned around, not noticing they way [Name]'s smile fell when he did so. He was about to scold the other before realizing something. "I want you to meet someone!"

[Name] couldn't help the sinking feeling in his stomach as Reo grabbed his wrist and dragged him closer to where Nagi was sitting on the stairs. He bit his lips as he stared down at the glowing purple thread on Reo's finger, the sight making him feel even worse now that they've met who it was connected to.

[Name] was by no means a selfish person yet as he stood in front of Nagi, the one who's connected to Reo by fate, he couldn't help but feel his mind darken.

"Come on, Nagi! Work with me for once." Reo huffed as he tried to get Nagi to let go of his goddamn phone in order to stick a hand out for [Name].

"Do I really have to? What a pain." Nagi sighed as he finally looked back up to [Name] who was staring at him with an unreadable expression. He let go of his phone and stuck out his hand for the other. "I'm Nagi Seishiro. Nice to meet you or whatever."

"Nagi! That's not how- you know what, never mind." Reo could be heard groaning in the background but [Name] tuned it all out, his gaze purely focused on the hand outstretched towards him.

After a beat of silence, he eventually flashed an empty smile as he reached out to grab Nagi's hand. He would've appreciated the warmth much more if it weren't for the circumstances. 

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