Chapter 8

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The following days leading up to the festival had been mostly a blur to [Name] due to how similar the day's routine had become. Since they had finished their activities for the semester quite early, the teachers granted them to use that time in preparation for whatever they had planned to exhibit as a class.

That's why [Name] spent half of his school day helping out whoever he could and the other half preparing his performance with his club's makeshift band. He was thankful that no one minded the fact that he didn't do as much as the rest of them.

He assumes it was because they knew the music club held a heavy role in the performance factor of the festival and were letting him off out of consideration to the fact that he might've gotten picked as one of the main stars that'll perform.

(One of the things he learned was that the performers in the band were usually kept a secret until the actual performance.)

However, in reality, it was mostly because Reo was the one barking out orders and roles seeing as how he was the class representative. He knows that [Name] already had a lot on his plate and assigned him to a spot where he didn't have to be burdened by even more workload.

Seeing as how much power the purple-haired kid held, both in the classroom and in general, no one could complain against his decisions and in extension, about [Name].

Anyways, everyone worked hard in their way as [Name] made sure to put his whole heart and soul during each practice run. Although his peers told him to chill so he wouldn't strain his voice too much before the actual thing, [Name] simply denied them with a smile.

If he couldn't put this much effort, even if it's just practice, it'll reflect on his actual performance. He needs to start strong now so at least by the time he's doing the actual thing, it'll all feel natural to him.

And in a blink of an eye, the dreaded day was finally right around the corner.


Hakuho, as extravagant as it already was, is even more beautiful now that it was decorated from top to bottom. Different streamers colored its usually plain exterior as each one held the essence of the students that hung them up.

[Name] would've loved to enjoy the different decorations created by everyone's hard work along with the booths older students had set up, but the nerves that pricked his skin wouldn't let him rest easy.

All he could think of was the performance he'd have to do at the end of the day and the stares that came along with it kept him antsy on his toes.

"Calm down, sweetheart." Fumiko's calm voice broke through her son's thoughts as she placed a comforting hand on the small of his back. "You aren't going to make it to the end of the day if you keep that up."

"But Ma..." He gave a low whine as they slowed down the pace they were walking. "What if I mess up? I'd be the laughingstock of the whole school for years to come!"

Quiet horror seemed to fill [Name]'s face as he brought a hand to his hair, the thought of it all making him panic more than he already was.

"Ah, geez." The older lady couldn't help but give a fond huff at the sight of her son's dramatics, knowing full well she already went through those same thoughts during her teen years. He really did take after her, huh? "There's no point in worrying over situational things that's yet to happen." She scolded lightly.


"No buts." She spoke with finality in her voice before leaning down to lightly flick [Name]'s forehead. "Focus on your present, okay?"

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