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AHHH, I can't believe I actually managed to finish one of my books/fics on Wattpad! Thank you all so much for reading this simple story of mine and staying with me throughout the process of its creation! I truly appreciate every one of you guys as well as all the love and support you've given this story.

I'm really happy, and also quite sad, to say that Tie a Knot's main story has officially come to an end. Fear not though, for I will be releasing some side stories about this fic that I've kept in the drafts for so long. I might take in requests but it all depends on my motivation and how much I like the idea. Publication of the side stories will be left uncertain for now but be sure to expect them randomly!

Anyways, if you guys liked this story, feel free to check out the other ones I have published :) You guys can also go check out the server I made (the link is in my profile) where you can interact with me and other fanfiction readers! If you're not interested in either, then that's alright too!

Lastly, feel free to leave questions you might have here as well, I'll do my best to answer them <3

Other than that, may we see each other again in a different story or in a random comment section somewhere. 


-Your author.

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