Chapter 7

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After his mom found out the news, she was nothing short of ecstatic. She'd gone around bragging about it to practically everyone she knew.

While [Name] appreciated the love and support, he honestly didn't expect anything less from his beloved mother, it was honestly getting a bit tiring hearing her tell the same tale over and over again.

Hell, even Hana heard about it, and in correlation, Sae.

His mother insisted on a celebratory meal and to his surprise, the Itoshi mother and son duo were there as well. Hana said that they insisted to come but knowing his giddy mother, he sort of doubts it.

Either way, he couldn't help but appreciate them all anyways as they enjoyed the meal together.

Although, the smug look Sae had been shooting him throughout the whole dinner was a bit irritating. It seems like he was secretly proud that he had been the one to unlock [Name]'s secret love and talent for music.

It was funny telling him how it was actually another friend that pushed him to join the club.

Anyways, other than that, he'd been officially introduced to the rest of the kids in the music club. He gave them a short wave and a small "Hi" and honestly, he was embarrassed by his first impression, but it seems like no one minded much.

Everyone was quick to accept him into the club, most especially the older members. It seems like they'd found him cute if all the cooing was anything to go about.

Although his dismissal was pushed back by a few hours due to afternoon practices, it was all worth it in the end.

He managed to gain himseld more friends that isn't just Reo and would even receive a few waves when walking down the halls. It feels exhilarating to be recognized.

After a month or so, Hakuho was finally starting to make him feel welcomed.

His teacher had been diligently teaching him proper singing techniques and even a few simple instruments when on break. He was thankful to have such a patient teacher considering how he'd never actually sang before other than simple hums when a song got stuck into his head.

The teacher merely waved it off, however, saying that he was happy to teach aspiring talents. Although he wouldn't go that far, [Name] was more than happy to receive the compliment.

Eventually, during one of their practices, he was sat with his other clubmates as they all had a momentary rest from practice. Whoever said that something simple as music wasn't as taxing as sport clubs was wrong.

"Great job as usual!" One of his older club members, Ania, offered him a bottle of water with a smile.

"Thank you," He reciprocated the smile as he gratefully accepted the bottle. He felt instantly rejuvenated as he hydrated himself.

After all the singing he's done and repeating a few notes over and over, it was no wonder his throat was all dried up.

"I'm back!" Their teacher called out as he entered back into their club room with a sheet of paper on hand. He had momentarily stepped out after telling them to take a break.

Immediately, the other kids huddled around their teacher with a seemingly air of excitement. [Name], new as he was, simply watched in confusion before being being dragged excitedly by two other boys his age.

They all stood in a semi-circle in front of their club teacher as they smiled at him expectantly.

"What's going on?" [Name] whispered discreetly to the boy beside him. Hiro, one of the boys his age that always seemed to stick by him, blinked on confusion at his lack of knowledge only to realize that he was a transferee just recently.

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