Chapter 14

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[Name] wasn't having a good day.

The moment he woke up, he was immediately greeted by the pounding of his head. A loud groan left his lips as he sat up, his mind spinning as soon as he did so. For a second, he thought he'd gotten a cold somehow but unfortunately, it was just a simple migraine.

So much for having a reason to skip school, he sighed in disappointment.

On the bright side, it's not like he'd be any better in the dorms than at school. He doesn't have anyone to care for him here like he would if he were still staying with his mom. At least if he went to school before his migraine escalated into a cold, he could just head to the clinic.

Yes, he lived in the Hakuho dorms. Although his mom insisted it was fine that she kept driving him to school every morning, he insisted on moving there instead to save her the trouble. The dorms were a walking distance from the school anyway and besides, he didn't want to keep making his mom late for her job.

Standing up with a stretch, he headed over and got himself ready for the day. His school items and outfit were already prepared the night before so all he needed to do right now was take a shower, have a light breakfast like his manager and mom always tell him to, then leave.

Easy right?

Unfortunately, for some unknown reason, his heater seemed to be broken. The moment he turned on the shower, instead of receiving the (luke)warm water he expected, he was immediately sprayed with cold water.

A loud shriek left his lips as he immediately turned the knob to a close. He tried for a while to get the heater working but inevitably, he was forced to make do with the cold water lest he wanted to be late.

By the time he was dressed and ready, he was shivering like a wet cat under the jacket he ended up wearing to warm up. He was about to grab the light breakfast he had prepared, which should be warm toast until he realized he never actually put bread in the toaster.

A small groan left his lips at that fact as he shook his head at his stupidity. He blames this on the migraine that he still has. 

He turned to the clock on the wall before grumbling and deciding to leave for school. It's not like he ate breakfast unless reminded or was forced to. Anyway, after a horrible start to his morning, a small walk to clear his mind would be nice.

At least, that's what he expected.

The moment he stepped out the door, he was suddenly greeted by a squeal. Something in his stomach seemed to drop as in a split second, he was surrounded by boys and girls alike, trying to get his signature or trying to act like they were close.

Phones were shoved in his faces as they took pictures of him, while a few even decided to hook their arms around his shoulder or hold onto his hand.

A dry laugh escaped his lips as he tried to accommodate them all before gently waving them off and suggesting he needed to leave. Unfortunately, nobody seemed to listen as he took a step back, the attention becoming just a bit too much for him.

Normally, he'd be able to handle this. He's not the child he used to be that got overwhelmed by just a handful of attention. He's gotten used to handling all the attention after he started becoming well-known.

However, he wasn't in the best of conditions right now. He still has a migraine and everything just felt so loud. He took in quick breaths and attempted to calm himself but no matter how much he tried to calm down, he still felt trapped, too trapped.

He clenched his fists tightly behind him and closed his eyes, the people's voices around him growing louder and louder. He felt like crying. But if he did, then they'd all get weirded out and he can't have that. Not after all the effort he put in just to be liked.

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