Chapter 21

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It took a while for [Name] to compose himself together and stand up. His knees were now dirty and even held a few specs of blood on them from the impact of his fall but he didn't really care at the moment.

His heart was too numb to feel the sting on his knees.

He walked in a daze on the way back to the Itoshi household, uncaring for the worried looks people had sent him along the way.

I mean, why wouldn't they be worried? He looked like a mess right now. His hair was tussled, his eyes were puffy and red, dry tear stains glimmered on his cheeks, and his legs were dirty.

At least the path back was pretty secluded so he didn't need to worry about anyone taking a picture and spreading it all over the internet. With all the shit he's been through these past weeks, he didn't need to add that to his list of worries.

He rubbed his eyes tiredly as he reached the door. He wanted nothing more than to lie down on his bed and cry his heart out a second time.

The moment he reached the living room though, he immediately took notice of Rin in the embrace of Hana as both mothers tried their best to soothe him.

His eyes widened a bit at the sight before both ladies noticed his arrival. His mom stood up in an instant and ran up to him in worry, her gentle hand placed on his shoulder as she examined him.

"My baby, what happened?!" Fumiko shrieked as she lifted a hand to cup [Name]'s cheeks, noting the trail of dried tears on his cheeks.

[Name]'s lips wobbled at the question as a shaky sob left his lips. He buried his face into his hands as he began to cry again.

Why did this have to hurt so much?

"Oh, dearest..." Fumiko murmured as she pulled him into a hug. She patted his back comfortingly as she craned her head to look back at Hana who was in a similar position with her youngest son.

Just what could've happened to both of them?


Currently, both Hana and Fumiko were in the kitchen sharing a hushed conversation, leaving Rin and [Name] on the couch with a large blanket over their shoulders and a cup of water in their hands.

The only thing that could be heard in the living room was the quiet thrum of the ceiling fan leaving both of them to sit silently. It seems like they've both calmed down for their devastations leaving them sitting in a daze.

[Name] took a small sip of his water as he glanced at Rin. Coincidentally, the younger turned to look at him as well leaving them in a staring contest. Just from the look on his face, [Name] could probably assume what had happened to Rin.

"He got to you too, huh?" He mumbled quietly before breaking eye contact first.

"Yeah," Rin whispered back in a tone quieter than he'd ever heard it be. Somehow, he wonders just what Sae had told Rin. Was it as bad as his? Was it worse? Either way, it was sure to destroy Rin's heart considering how much he had admired his older brother.

"Did you know he was back?"


Wordlessly, [Name] nodded before letting his head lean against Rin's shoulder causing the latter's eyes to widen at the sudden action. His eyes watched [Name] who simply stared straight ahead of him.

"He's an asshole now," [Name] murmured causing Rin to nod his head in agreement.

"He is," Rin agreed once more before another pause. He bit his lips as he remembered his brother, the one that used to smile at him so brightly, before it was replaced by someone he didn't know, someone colder. The thought seemed to cause his heart to burn once again as tears appeared in his eyes. "I want my old brother back..."

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