Chapter 17

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[Name] held his breath as he hid in the opposite room of Nagi and Reo. His shaky hands were pressed tightly against his mouth as he slowly slid down the door he had been leaning against.

God, he felt sick to his stomach.

He was so, so close to actually cutting the string. He didn't know what came over him but for a split second, it felt like he had been possessed. In the end, though, he suddenly realized just what he was about to do and was immediately overtaken by immense guilt.

While he didn't know if it would have worked, just realizing what he was about to do had him running away feeling distraught and ashamed. He still can't believe what he was actually about to do earlier.

Slowly, he let his hands fall to his side in a balled-up form as he released a shaky breath. He felt like such a terrible person right now. 

If Reo didn't come, he wonders if he actually would've gone through with it and tried to cut the string. Would that change anything though? Somehow, he didn't want to know the answer to that.

His mouth tasted bitter. 

He lifted his legs against his chest and let his head bury itself in his knees. His hand fidgeted unconsciously as he tried to get his mind away from the intrusive thoughts that had filled him in a moment of weakness.

He didn't know how long he stayed sitting there in silence but he eventually managed to find the energy to lift his head. The sky that was visible through the room's windows was visibly darker now, signaling that he must've stayed here longer than it had felt.

He wonders if Reo and Nagi have left right now. He wouldn't be too surprised if they did. It was getting pretty late. Would they be annoyed that he took so long? Worried, maybe?

As he wondered, he felt his phone vibrate. He opened the device only to be greeted by the chat nickname he had set for Reo.

"Speak of the devil..." he mused quietly to himself despite the lack of emotions swirling in his eyes. His hands clicked the notification allowing him to be directed to the private chats between him and Reo.


Money by LaLisa
I'm so sorry we couldn't wait for you!
Nagi was complaining about being tired so we're leaving right now

Mama, I'm a star
That's fine! Get home safe :)

Money by LaLisa
You too! :)


[Name] let a sigh leave his lips as he shut his phone closed. He stood up from his spot and patted himself down before trudging over to the windows on the other side. He opened one of the windows allowing fresh air inside the classroom. A cool breeze quickly swept through his hair as he pressed an elbow on the window sill and rested his face on his open palm.

The great part about being in this classroom was that it had an amazing overview of the school's field, meaning...

His eyes stared down emotionlessly as Reo ran ahead with a smile on his face while Nagi walked at a slower pace behind him. Both of them looked happy, content with just each other.

"So much for being sorry, hm?" [Name] hummed before giving a wistful smile.

This was fine, he thought as Nagi and Reo hopped onto the latter's bike and set off with a loud laugh. It seemed like something out of a movie as the wind caused both of their hairs to wave haphazardly in the air, the last bits of the golden sun's rays lighting their path.

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