Chapter 1

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Hakuho elementary school. It was a private school of the best kind seeing as how all kids that went there ended up being very successful in life. One major flaw in it though was that you were required to pay a hefty amount just to get in, allowing only rich families to be able to enroll their kids.

[Name]'s family was in no way rich at all seeing as the only person working in their small family was his mother. Sure she had a decent job and made enough money, but he knew it was definitely not enough to get him enrolled in such a prestigious school.

"Mom, is this really my new school?" [Name] asked wearily as he eyed the giant building from behind his mother's figure. While he wasn't technically scared of transferring to a new school, he couldn't help but feel a bit nervous for his mom.

"Of course it is!" His mother cheered without a care in the world, a bright grin showing on her face. "Only the best school for my amazing son." She spoke before giving him a peck on the cheek.

[Name] touched the spot his mother kissed him with a gentle hand as he looked up at his mother with a determined smile. "Thank you, mom." He spoke gratefully as he gave her a small knowing smile.

"Thank you for what?" His mother responded with a cracked smile once she saw the gaze her son had sent her. Taking a deep breath, she ruffled his hair gently with a face filled with so much love and warmth. "Do your best, my little star."

The kid felt a determined grin form on his face as he nodded happily. "I will!" He cheered confidently, his tone filled with so much promise as he looked at his mother. She was still young and she should be living her life to the fullest but she couldn't.

Don't get him wrong, he knew his mother didn't regret giving birth to him one bit but he couldn't help but feel guilty for restricting her from doing so many things. That's why, instead of moping around, he swore to do his best and be successful just so he could treat her to all the offers she couldn't accept from life.

"Goodbye, my dear. Stay safe" And with those final parting words, [Name] was left all alone in this new school.

For some reason, the place felt a lot more quieter and lonely now that his mother was gone. He couldn't help but hug himself in insecurity at the unfamiliarity of this school's halls.

"Hello, dear." A gentle voice called out to him as he quickly turned around. Kind eyes met his own as the female teacher crouched down to his height carefully. "Are you lost?"

[Name] blinked at the question before answering. "A bit..." He spoke shyly as he looked at the ground. "It's my first day here and I don't know where my room is."

The teacher seemed to smile in understanding as she stood to her full height and held out a hand for him to grab. "I'm Ms. Natsume," The teacher spoke carefully as they started walking slowly along the school halls. "What's your name, dear?"

"{Last name] [Name], I'm 10." [Name] spoke much more timidly than his usual behavior.

"Nice to meet you, [last name]-kun," Natsume spoke as she looked at the shy kid holding her hand fondly. "Can you hand me your schedule so I can direct you to your class?"

[Name] took a deep breath as he looked up at the teacher bashfully, a shy blush on his face due to his current situation. "I'm new here so I still have to visit the head office to get it... can you help me, sensei?"

A small giggle left the teacher's lips as she nodded quite happily. "Of course!"

And without further delay, they started walking again with [Name] following like a lost baby chick on the teacher's side.

It was an amusing sight, truly


"Hm, It seems that you're in class 5." The teacher spoke with an impressed voice as she turned to look at the kid clutching her long skirt tightly. "That's quite an impressive feat. Not many students are able to go to the top class, most especially when it's their first year here."

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