Chapter 23

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The sun was barely up, the area still coated in a deep blue, with no students in sight except for one. A tired yawn left [Name]'s lips as he walked down the street, already on his way to school despite how early it was.

Rather than going home just as he had planned after dropping Rin off, the younger insisted on having him stay over for the night. He was quite thankful that he decided to bring his phone before he left the house considering how he had woken up to multiple missed calls from his worried mom.

He felt bad for giving her a scare when she woke up and found his door and window open with no sight of him in his room. The world seemed to move quickly in delivering his karma for that though when he learned that Hana had taken loads of pictures of him and Rin while they were asleep.

No, he was not going to elaborate on that. 

After rushing back home to assure his mom he was truly alright, he decided to get ready for the school day and took the first bus back to Hakuho. As much as he'd love to get a few more hours of sleep, he didn't trust himself to wake up from his alarm.

He decided to just head to school early and sleep in the classroom rather than the dorm, it'll save him the hassle of rushing to school if ever he fell asleep too deeply. As he neared the front gate, he couldn't help but take notice of a black limo parked near it with a familiar-looking servant standing beside the door.

He squinted his eyes as he slowed down his pace. "Ba-Ya?" He spoke out loud, catching the attention of the figure he was looking at. The closer he got, the more he made out the face of the person he was staring at.

"Oh, [Name]-sama." The older lady greeted him respectfully as she turned to look at him and delivered a bow. Although they weren't exactly close, they at least knew each other from the times he walked out the gates with Reo. "What a coincidence seeing you here. I haven't seen you in a while."

"I should be saying that to you." He mumbled back as he stopped a few paces away from her, his eyes settled on the car she stood beside. "I'm assuming Reo is here?" 

"Young master just went inside," Ba-Ya nodded with that same creepy grin forever plastered on her face. "Unfortunately, he has forgotten something in the car so I'm merely waiting for him to realize and come back to collect it."

"I'm surprised you didn't go inside the school and handed it to him yourself." He raised an eyebrow at the behavior the servant displayed. Once again, they weren't that familiar with each other but he had a solid hunch of how the older lady treats Reo.

"Young master has been behaving strangely these past few weeks." She responded with a vague hum causing [Name] to squint his eyes at her suspiciously. He was about to walk away before freezing when she spoke again. "Recently, he brought back a boy to stay over in his place. Nagi Seishiro, was it?"

[Name] couldn't help but give her a slight glare at the unneeded information. "Did he, now?" He replied with a tight smile on his lips. It was far too early to be having an emotional rollercoaster.

Nevertheless, he let his thoughts take over him briefly as he remembered that not even he had seen where Rei lived, let along his room, despite the years they'd known each other. Now he wonders what other things Nagi has gotten to know about Reo that he hasn't yet.

"Didn't you know?" He could faintly see the slight narrow of her eyes. He didn't know her intentions nor did he know what she wanted from him by saying this but whatever it was, he didn't like it one bit.

He chose not to respond to her but it seems like his silence was enough of an answer.

"I see," She replied simply, letting her eyes close as though she had finally concluded something in her mind. "Well, I suppose I should be taking my leave." She turned and began to open the door to the driver's seat causing him to raise an eyebrow.

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