Chapter 30

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How long has he been cooped up in his room?

[Name] blinked blearily as he continued to lay in his bed unmoving, his phone loosely placed on top of his open palm. The room was dark, just like it's been for the past few days seeing as how he's lost all motivation to move, let alone turn it on.

The only source of light he had was the coming from his window which wasn't much considering the curtains that covered most of it.

Everything was quiet, not a single thing to be heard, save for the occasional vibrations his phone does after receiving a text notification. Speaking of which, he hasn't been able to read most of them either, deeming it a bit too taxing to do.

He's been ignoring and deflecting Reo and Nagi's worried messages as well, along with the few invitations they've given to hang out again. All he could give them were short replies of him being busy and while it's worked so far, he doesn't know for how long.

He felt a bit bad for lying so blatantly but it was the only thing he could tell them without causing suspicion.

It was a bit pathetic, honestly. He should be out there enjoying his Christmas break like most students but here he was, moping on his bed with a broken heart that shouldn't even broken in the first place.

He had no right to act like this but he was anyway.

His phone vibrated a few more times, his phone lighting up along with it, before dying down. [Name] blinked tiredly for a couple of seconds, his eyes a bit sore and sensitive from all the tears he'd shed in the past few days.

Eventually, with a small burst of energy, he gripped his phone and opened it, revealing the messages he'd received from the constants in his contacts. At the top displayed Reo's name and although he shouldn't have, [Name] clicked on it.

Previous messages that had been sent over the week were displayed but what caught his interest were the last few messages that were sent at the end.


Money by Lalisa
I know you said you were still busy but Nagi and I are here at Hakuho right now
We'll be here for a while if you want to join
You know the place I'm talking about


[Name] read the messages with an empty gaze before feeling his eyes burn. He didn't know if it was because of his phone's brightness or because he was beginning to feel himself tear up once more.

Of course, he knows the place Reo was talking about, there was only one place he could be talking about. It was the one hidden in the forest, the same one Reo showed him all those years ago.

The same one he thought would always remain a special secret between them.

He was about to close his phone when he saw Reo begin to type again. Something in him whispered that it was better to turn it off but his heart remained stubborn despite all the damage he's received.

He should've closed the phone.


Money By Lalisa
I hope you can come
I want to see you before we leave for blue lock again


[Name] couldn't help but feel his heart cry out again as he let his phone fall from his grip, the device sliding down onto the bed, its screen facing down as some form of mercy. God, he felt so guilty for avoiding Nagi and Reo like this especially since their time was limited and they had to go back to the facility tomorrow, but he couldn't help it.

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