Chapter 10

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The following school day, the one that was right after the festival, was a bit of a pain to attend considering how [Name] felt like it was more appropriate if the day was turned into a break considering all that they've done for the previous event (And also because he wanted a long weekend.)

Unfortunately, his wishes were left unobtained as he lay tiredly on his desk. The moment he got to school, those who bothered to remember who he was immediately gave him their greetings and even a few compliments for his performance.

Of course, seeing as how he was still new to all the attention, all he could offer was a small smile and an awkward bow of gratitude or a wave. No one seemed to mind though as they all giggled before walking away, amusement clear in their eyes.

He didn't know whether to take it as a bad reaction or a good one but considering how he was a "hopeful sunshine child", he decided to look at things positively and deemed it as the latter.

They didn't even do much in class so he settled for doing his favorite pastime activity, sleeping! He was practically teetering between consciousness and sleeping during the duration of the day, only ever waking up to greet their subject teachers or for lunch.

Anyway, at least he wasn't tired anymore by the time classes ended, giving him more energy for the afternoon practice he had with the music club. Ever since he joined, he's been looking forward to the end of classes even more.

By the time the last bell rang, the one that signaled the end of each subject, he was already running off to the club room. Some people gave him weird stares but other than that, didn't do much.

He came to a skidding stop in front of the club room before knocking on the door, his excitement obvious with the way he was bouncing on his steps. His teacher opened to door in response only to give him a confused look.

"Oh, [Name]!" The older male spoke in surprise as he looked down at him. "What are you doing here?" He asked in confusion.

[Name] seemed to mirror the confusion as he frowned a bit. "What do you mean? Isn't it time for practise?"

Realization seemed to form on his teacher's face as the man crouched down to his height. "All club activities are usually halted after a big event in the school." He explained patiently as he ruffled his hair. "I seemed to have forgotten to tell you since most people already know that."

"Huh." [Name] didn't know how to reply as he simply gave a slow nod. "Okay, then." He responded causing his teacher to give him an apologetic smile as he stood up.

"Get home safe alright?" THe teacher waved him off before closing the door to the music club.

[Name] walked through the halls in a confused haze before realizing that he'd need to wait a few more hours before his mom would pick him up seeing as how she also thought he had afternoon practice today.

He immediately rushed off to his classroom in order to find his teacher and ask her to call his mom for him, only to be greeted by an empty classroom. "Huh?" He breathed out heavily seeing as how he had run all the way here.

"What are you still doing here?" Reo asked in surprise when he saw his friend slide inside the classroom. Seeing as how he was the class representative, he was tasked to stay back a bit in order to do something.

"I wasn't informed that there were no practices today." [Name] replied as the unease he didn't even realize formed within him dissipated at the sight of someone he knew. He looked around the room, not used to seeing it empty as he walked over to where Reo was. "Have you seen our teacher?"

"She had to walk out for a bit." Reo supplied as he fixed the stack of papers in his hands. "Why?"

"I need her to call my mom. She thinks I have to practice too and won't be picking me up until like..." He turned to look at the wall clock inside the classroom. "An hour."

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