Chapter 26

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"Don't stay out for too long! And don't get into trouble!"

[Name] laughed at the statement lightheartedly as he waved her off, already approaching the door. "Don't worry, I'll be back before you know it!" He assured his manager.

He left the private room which was specifically reserved for him and his team before walking along the quiet hallway. He kept walking until he reached the turn that connected to the public area before pulling the hood of the jacket he wore over his head, hoping to somewhat conceal his appearance.

They made sure to come to the stadium early so there would be fewer people around and while it did save him quite the trouble of getting in without being surrounded, it also left him with a lot of time to kill and energy with nowhere to put.

He takes in a deep breath before shoving g his hands inside his pockets and moving on, trying to act as casual as he could as he walked amongst the other people that came by early.

Sure, he's had big performances before that held thousands of people, but that didn't mean he doesn't feel nervous each time he had to face the crowd.

No matter the size of the audience, there's always this nervousness that lingered just before each show. And with that nervousness also comes restlessness, hence why his need to move or do something, anything, as long as it kept him occupied.

There was no way he could just sit still and wait things out while anxiousness ate at him inside out. He thinks he'd die if he had to that.

He takes quick look around as he reached the large lobby where tons of people were beginning to set up their stands. He could immediately spot a few merch of the U-20 jersey with different numbers on the back and even a few custom made jackets.

He couldn't help but give an approving hum at how most of them looked high quality. What really caught his attention, however, were the people selling snacks and treats.

His eyes couldn't help but sparkle a bit at all the food he saw before locking onto one on the far corner that had snacks designed in a way that held a football theme. He couldn't help but snort at the sight as he approached the man that had them out for sale.

"Can I get ya somethin', lad?" The man's voice asked the moment he saw a figure approaching him.

[Name] couldn't help but be taken aback slightly at the strong accent before giving a wide smile, even tilting his hood up slightly so the older man could see the expression on his face. "What do you recommend?"

Something seemed to click in the man's mind the moment he saw his appearance. His mouth dropped open and pointed at him. It seems like he was about to state who he was before stopping when [Name] pressed a finger to his lips, as if silently asking to keep his presence here on a down low.

Sure there weren't that many people here right now but it was still a decent amount. His manager told him to keep his presence on the down low for now since he was apparently a surprise guest.

The man seemed to instantly understand as he gave a firm nod. "What can I get ya?" He asked again in a much quieter tone, a smile still present on his face.

"I'll have..."


Sae couldn't help but click his tongue in annoyance as he walked around, trying to lose this goddamn dog who who wouldn't stop following him from behind. Unfortunately, no matter what turn he took or which way he went, the other kept on following him like an over excited puppy.

"Can't you get lost already?" He asked, finally having enough of this bullshit. Sure, he did pick the other because of his interesting nature and unpredictable movements when it comes to playing on the field, that didn't mean he has to like those same quirks out of it.

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