Chapter 2

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Reo was rich, horribly rich. He knew that much from how his parents often commented about their wealth like it was nothing. Due to this fact, most people he's met often try to cozy up to him to earn his favor.

Although it was more so to get to the money and fame behind his last name, Reo couldn't help but feel good at the popularity and attention it gave him. He felt a guilty sense of superiority at how people turned to him for guidance and advice.

He's always been admired and respected no matter what.

"How weird."

That's why he couldn't help but be taken aback by this new kid's reaction to him.

"Excuse me?" Reo was quick to question with a tiny bit of offense lacing his voice. His eyebrows were quirked up as he looked down at [Name] in confusion.

While he expected an immediate apology or even a small intimidated look to cross the other's face, all he got was mild confusion and interest as the arm he held out was gently cupped into hands much smaller than his.

[Name] observed each of his fingers in fascination before doing the same to his other hand and while Reo might've found this just a bit weird, he couldn't help but feel the tips of his ears burn red.

The way this other kid looked at him with genuine awe that was not about his wealth and held each of his fingers with much care made his heart flutter ever so slightly and for his stomach to churn in a way he's never felt before.

"Is there something interesting about my hand?" Reo mused as leaned his head on his free hand. Mirth swirled within his eyes as he eyed his new seatmate.

Surprisingly, [Name] confidently met his gaze instead of backing down. Similar to his own expression, a much gentle grin was present on his own face

"I'm sorry, I must've made you uncomfortable." [Name]'s voice was kind and a whole lot softer in Reo's ears now that they were sitting next to each other. The red hue from his ears seemed to spread to his cheeks and down his neck like an illness.

"It's fine.." Reo was quick to turn his head away from [Name]'s seemingly piercing gaze to hide his face. [Name] on the other hand merely giggled and remained silent about how his ears were turning into a pretty shade of red.

Taking a few seconds to calm himself down, Reo adjusted his head to look at the board where their teacher had started explaining their curriculum for the year. Despite their short conversation, his hand continued to remain on [Name]'s desk for the rest of their classes.

He didn't quite mind that fact and if anyone were to say something about it, well.... let's just say he has enough money to keep their mouths shut.


After a few hours of lessons and introductions, the bell in the hallway finally rang, signaling that it was midday and finally time for the students to take their lunch. Almost everyone was quick to head off to eat at the canteen with their friends while a few others stayed behind.

One of those few others was none other than [Name] as he decided to take his time fixing his items properly in his bag. As he did this, Reo near him was being bombarded by invites from different friend groups.

They all fought over him and while Reo should've been used to this by now, he couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed by it today. Maybe sitting next to [Name]'s calm nature made him a bit too relaxed...

Speaking of [Name], Reo gave a small glance behind him and saw the other sitting properly in his seat before grabbing a packed meal. A cunning glint appeared in his eyes as he thought of an idea.

Turning to look at his classmates once more, Reo gave a kind yet dazzling smile catching everyone's attention almost immediately. They all looked at him expectantly as they waited for his word like a crowd to a prophet.

"I'm really sorry but I don't think I'll be going with any of you today." Multiple groans and yells of disbelief were received in response to that but thankfully, Reo had already anticipated that reaction. Raising to gesture at a peacefully eating [Name], Reo gave everyone an apologetic smile. "I'll be staying with [Last name]-kun here. I'm sure everyone knows the feeling of not knowing anyone at school so I'll stay with him for today."

Everyone was quick to let out noises of awe as Reo heard them murmur stuff like 'As expected of Reo!' and 'Reo's as kind as ever!'. 

A smile that didn't quite reach his eyes appeared on his face as he waved everyone off. Once they were gone and out of the door though, an exhausted sigh immediately left his lips as he slumped in on himself.

Turning around, Reo was about ready to lie down on his desk until he remembered that [Name] was still there. His posture immediately became stiff as he looked at the boy who continued to eat his meal unbothered.

"Sorry about that..." Reo scratched his nape awkwardly as he looked at the other with an awkward smile. "They usually ask me to eat with them and I just didn't want to deal with it today."

Slowly walking over, Reo sat down in his seat next to [Name] before turning his head in order to gauge the other's expression. He couldn't help but be curious about his response.

"[Name]." Reo raised a brow at this as [Name] suddenly turned to face him with a mouthful of food and a few rice grains on his face. "Just call me [Name]. I said that in my introduction earlier."

A small amused chuckle left Reo's lips as he reached his hand out to swipe the piece of rice out of the corner of [Name]'s lips. A confused look appeared on [Name]'s face as he watched Reo retract his hand again.

"Just call me Reo then," A genuine smile appeared on his face as he felt himself let loose and relax around [Name]. "We'll be seatmates for the rest of the year so you have to take care of me too, okay?"

[Name] gave a nod as he gave Reo a closed-eye smile. "Let's get along then, Reo."

Unbeknownst to Reo, a soft look seemed to appear in his eyes as he stared at [Name]. "Yeah, let's."

And without either of them knowing, their fates had intertwined. Forever connecting their futures.

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