Chapter 15

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[Name] was the type of person who hated sudden changes. Whether it was something simple as a quiz being moved, a change in the seating arrangement, or a meeting being pushed back, as long as it was sudden and he wasn't informed, he gets a bit upset.

Despite this though, he easily got used to the unexpected new routine he required ever since he came back from the tour he had performed.

Rather than walking to school alone, he somehow ended up walking along with Nagi. Then when lunch hits, rather than heading for the usual table he and Reo have claimed for years now, he gets dragged off to the stairs that Nagi and Reo hang out in during their free time.

Lastly on his list of sudden changes, rather than heading home to rest after classes, he gets dragged to the field whenever Reo and Nagi train for soccer despite not playing himself.

It was a bit tiring sometimes but he ended up enjoying spending time with them anyway.

The moment the bell signaling lunchtime rang, [Name] found himself standing up out of instinct before he could even process his actions. He couldn't help but be a bit surprised by his own actions before shrugging it off.

He took his time walking down the halls, seemingly enjoying the peaceful day. It's not like he was in any rush considering how Reo and Nagi were already by the stairs no matter how early he left the classroom.

As soon as he turned around the familiar corner, he couldn't help but be surprised at the sight of Nagi sitting on the stairs all alone with no Reo in sight.

Scratch his previous thoughts because the world seems to like proving him wrong.

"I'm surprised Reo isn't with you," [Name] commented as he walked over to the steps in an idle manner. Nagi didn't look up from his phone as he simply hummed with a shrug.

"He was earlier but he suddenly got a phone call and left in a rush," Nagi responded before frowning as the gunshot noises from his phone became louder.

"Huh," [Name] wasn't too surprised as he simply settled on the spot that he usually takes when heading to this place. It's not like Reo hasn't left suddenly after a phone call, hence his lack of curiosity about the situation.

They stayed there in silence for a while before it was Nagi who started the conversation between them once again. "Do you not eat at lunch?" He asked.

[Name] hummed as he glanced at Nagi from the corner of his eyes. "I mostly forget to bring packed food so I end up just not eating."

"And here I thought you had to do some sort of diet 'cause of your singing career and all that."

"What's that supposed to mean?" [Name] shot Nagi a blank look as he crossed his arms against his chest.

"I don't know, I just read about idols and their strict dieting this one time." Nagi blinked cluelessly and he tilted his head to the side. "Is that not true?"

"Wha- how am I supposed to know? I'm not an idol! I'm a singer. Singer." He enunciated the word with dramatic hand gestures. "But no, I'm not being forced on some crazy diet. In fact, my manager keeps telling me to eat more!"

Nagi grew quiet for a moment as he eyed [Name] up and down. "...I'm not surprised."

[Name] couldn't help the offended noise that left his mouth. "What is that supposed to mean?" He screeched with a pout on his face.

Before he could hound the other for answers, a wrapped sandwich was suddenly tossed over to him causing him to fumble a bit in trying to catch the item. "Hey!"

"Eating's too bothersome for me so I often skip meals," Nagi responded causing [Name] to shut up momentarily. "Reo's been bringing me random food to eat so I don't end up starving myself to death due to the lack of proper food."

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