Chapter 4

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It honestly feels surreal how quickly the days pass by but maybe that's just [Name] and his horrible perception of time. Sometimes a detail from a few moments ago could feel as though it had happened days ago while other times, yesterday could feel as though it had happened just a few hours ago.

Time is a weird thing really. Soulmates too. Time and soul ties. If they weren't such frustrating concepts, [Name] would've appreciated how well they sounded together way more.

"What's with the frown?" His mother giggled from behind him as she gave his head a gentle ruffle. A small pout seemed to appear on [Name]'s face at her messing up his hair before letting it go as he shoved another bite of food into his mouth.

"It's nothing, just thoughts..." He mumbled with the food in his mouth causing his words to come out as distorted and unintelligible. Despite that though, his mother understood anyways as her teasing smile turned into a much softer, understanding one.

"Thinking isn't always good." She spoke calmly as she turned around to start cleaning up the small mess she had made in their mini kitchen from making breakfast. "Although I like how mature you are at certain times, you shouldn't look like someone going through a mid-life crisis just yet." She smiled.

"Mid-life crisis?" [Name] pouted at the words as he turned around to give his mother a look. This seemed to get a laugh out of her despite having her back towards him.

"Yep! That's what I'm here for, to save you from wrinkles just before you get to college or a good university." She spoke proudly as she wiped the dirty counter she just cleared of dirty plates. "So don't stop needing me before then, alright?" She whispered the last parts to herself with a tiny smile.

Small question marks appeared on [Name]'s head at that as he looked at his mother in confusion. "What was that? I didn't hear the last part." He pouted as he kept a close eye on his mother's back.

"I said hurry up and finish your food!" The adult in the room spoke in a fake stern tone as she looked at him with a playful glint in her eyes. [Name] immediately forgot about what they were talking about as he quickly turned back to the table to finish his food.

"We're going to be meeting a friend of mine in a bit so go get ready once you're done." A small hum left the kid's lips as he shoved a few more bites of food into his mouth before chugging down the drink he had beside him. Once that was done, he quickly fixed his plate on the table before standing up.

"Thanks for the food!" He yelled quickly before setting off to his room in order to get dressed. At the sight of this, the mother couldn't help but laugh a bit in amusement.

"Oh, what am I gonna do with you?" She murmured fondly as she grabbed the dirty dishes on the table before bringing them to the sink and washing it. Although they might not be that well off in life, she was pretty satisfied with just this.

Being able to wake up and see her son, the greatest joy in her life, on a daily made every sacrifice she's had to make so worth it. It didn't matter if people said she was too young to be slaving her life away for a child she shouldn't even have yet. She was contented and that's all that mattered.

"I'm done!" [Name] huffed as he quickly ran out of his room and slid into the kitchen where his mother was just finishing up cleaning the dishes. A small laugh left the female's lips at the sight as she dried her hands.

"That's great. Let's go now then, shall we?"

Nodding, [Name] grabbed his mother's hands as they left the comforts of their house. Although he wasn't a big fan of walking around much, he didn't mind it if his mother was with him.

"Where are we going anyways?" He eventually asked after a few minutes of just walking around and daydreaming. He preferred to keep his mind busy so he doesn't have to focus on the random red strings connected to other people.

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