Chapter 19

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The first thing [Name] made sense of was the bright beam of light shining down at his eyes. A small grown left his lips as he turned in his bed, wanting more sleep.

Suddenly, though, he seemed to shoot up as he remembered something. "Shit, I have school!" He yelled in a panic as he rolled off the bed, taking his blankets with him.

He rubbed his arm from the fall before sitting up. "I'm late!" He shrieked again before blinking as he realized, this wasn't his dorm.

"[Name], darling, are you okay?" He could hear his mom's muffled voice calling out to him in concern.

[Name] blinked for a few moments as everything finally set in. He let himself fall back to the ground as he blinked at the ceiling in a star fish position. "Yeah, I'm okay!" He yelled back before his mom got too worried.

He forgot he came back home yesterday and that he skipped a day of classes just for this. It's fine though since it's just a Friday without anything going on.

He continued to lay on the ground as he enjoyed the warmth that came from the open window on the other side of his bedroom. He's never really noticed it before since he's lived here for as long as he could remember, but after not seeing this room in so long, he can't help but appreciate the calmness and comfort it brought him.

Somehow, he found himself blinking tiredly once again but before he could fall asleep on the floor, his mom knocked on his door, causing him to startle awake.

"...Why are you on the floor?" She asked in confusion as she watched her only son sit up with a startled look on his face.

"I fell and I didn't want to get up," He answered truthfully as he looked at her. "Why?"

Fumiko couldn't help but snort before shaking her head. "Go get yourself ready and head down for breakfast. We're leaving for Hana's house."

[Name]'s eyes widened at that. He hasn't been to the Itoshi household in so long.

"Okay," He nodded happily as he began to pick up his blanket from the carpeted floor. "I'll be down soon."

Fumiko nodded as she closed the door behind her. Once [Name] was left alone, he couldn't help but sigh.

He honestly thought he could stay in bed a bit longer today but oh well, Auntie Hana is always nice to visit.

As he fixed his bed and went to grab his clothes, he couldn't help but pause.

This feels like Deja Vu for some reason.

He thought about it for a few more seconds before shrugging it off and headed for the shower.


"I didn't expect you to be here!" Hana smiled in delight as she saw [Name] trailing behind Fumiko. "Gosh, it's been so long since I've last seen you!"

"It's nice to see you as well," [Name] smiled back as Hana brought him down for a quick hug. The Itoshi lady has become quite the significant figure in his life as well.

Sometimes, she even feels like a second mother to him.

"Come on in!" Hana grabbed the hands of the mother and son duo in front of her before dragging them further into the house.

A small smile couldn't help but appear on [Name]'s face. The place hasn't changed much since he last visited it.

"Is Rinnie here?" He asked as Hana settled his mom down on the large couch in the living room. He hasn't seen the younger Itoshi in a long time as well.

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