Chapter 6

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The next few days, Reo came to observe the fact that [Name] seemed a lot more up in the clouds than he usually was, and while he wouldn't normally mind it seeing as how he's come to get used to his weird behavior, it was the lack of attention that set him off.

[Name] would be seen sitting in a daze as he watched the teacher, his lips spilling hums and even a few lyrics, either in Japanese or some foreign language Reo couldn't make out. Either way, whatever it was seemed to occupy [Name]'s mind 24/7 leaving Reo no space for himself.

It took him a considerable while before he eventually snapped on one specific morning.


Reo wasn't pouting, he seriously wasn't! As the one and only Mikage heir, pouting isn't a thing that he does.

And yet, as he stared at his seatmate who hadn't once glanced his way ever since class started, he couldn't help the frown that tugged on his lips. Sure, he did receive a greeting and a few words here and there, but that wasn't enough!

Eventually, lunch came around and Reo was determined to finally get [Name]'s eyes set on him and him only.

As they both unpacked their lunch (Yes, Reo started asking his parents for packed lunches instead of just buying from the school cafeteria), Reo couldn't help but continuously sneak glances at the other while [Name] remained unaware.

After setting up his food, [Name] dug into his bag once again only to pull out the music player with earbuds already attached to it. Reo couldn't help but look at the device curiously.

"A music player?" Reo asked as he grabbed the item from the other's hand, observing the item boredly. It looked plain and old, but that's mostly because he'd been spoiled by the high-tech items his parents had showered him with.

"Hey!" [Name] whined a bit as he reached out to grab the device back from the other. A light bulb seemed to glow on top of Reo's head as he leaned the gadget further away. It seems like he's finally got [Name]'s full attention on him.

Had he known this was all it took then maybe he should've stolen this device a lot earlier.

As Reo continued to tease [Name] by leaning the music player away from his reach, his fingers seemed to accidentally press a button due to the tight grip he had on the device. As a result, music began to play from the item.

Despite the earbuds plugged in, the music was still somewhat audible from its speakers. Reo's eyes couldn't help but connect the pieces as he recognized the song being the same one [Name]'s been humming a lot these past few days.

"I didn't take you to be this interested in music," Reo couldn't help but laugh lightly as he felt [Name] stop struggling to reach up and grab his gadget. "Although I recommend you get a new one. This is quite old and there are tons of new models out there with more features than this." He explained as he finally gave it back.

"This was given to me by someone..." [Name] mumbled with a light frown as he hugged the item. Moreover, he wouldn't have asked his mom for a new one anyway. 

The statement seemed to cause a glint in Reo's eyes as he leaned back against his chair, his eyes still glued onto [Name] figure. "Why don't you join the music club," Reo suggested suddenly, easily changing the subject, as he gave a hollow smile.

"I might like music but that doesn't mean I'm good at it," [Name] pouted at the ridiculous suggestion as he eventually placed his music player on his desk, deeming it safe for him to do so without Reo possibly snatching it up again. 

Reo merely raised an eyebrow at the statement as he crossed his arms. He didn't know if he was being serious or not but if he was, then [Name] must be a lot stupider and less self-aware than he thought he was.

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