Chapter 5

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"Umm..." [Name] started as he avoided eye contact between himself and this other kid. His eyes roamed for an excuse he could say before noticing the small pink butterfly fluttering above the other's hair like a bee would to a flower. 

"The butterfly on your hair..." The moment he pointed that out, the redhead slowly turned to look up only to see that there was indeed a butterfly with the same shade as his hair hovering above him.

"Huh." The boy hummed, almost like a scoff, as he reached a hand up to gently swat the butterfly away. Instead of flapping off, however, it seemed to simply evade gracefully before settling on the tip of his nose.

The pink-haired kid's eyes seemed to widen at the sudden action causing [Name] to huff a laugh at the expression on his face. The other seemed to give an unamused look at the laughter as he shook his head to wave the butterfly off.

Thankfully, it seemed to work this time as the critter peacefully left and headed towards the direction of a nearby flower-filled bush.

"I don't think I've ever seen a butterfly stick that close to someone before," [Name] offered a grin as his eyes followed the butterfly flapping away from them. "You must be some sort of animal whisperer."

"That's ridiculous," The kid scoffed for real this time as he crossed his arms, his teal eyes narrowing down at him. 'Besides, if someone were to be an animal whisperer between us, then...'

His eyes focused on the multitude of butterflies circling behind [Name]'s figure unknowingly.

'It'd be you.'

The air around them felt a lot more comfortable now as [Name] turned his eyes back to the nonchalant looking kid, his confidence returning now that they were past the initial icebreaker. "Oh right, is anyone sitting here?" He asked, pointing at the unoccupied swing.

"Do you see anyone sitting there?" The kid raised an eyebrow as he snarked a sassy reply. Had it been anyone else, they might've felt a bit offended but [Name] merely smiled in amusement.

"Great!" He chirped, his mood unwavering by the coldness as he sat down. The swing's chain handles clinked together for a moment as he settled down on his seat.

A peaceful quiet filled the air after that as [Name] stared at the sky with squinted eyes, the blue sky both burning and enchanting his eyes. A few chirps from birds and the rustling of the trees were all he could hear as he inhaled the fresh air.

The other kid didn't seem to share the same sentiment of admiring nature as he turned back to his gadget by inserting an earbud back into his ear. The sight couldn't help but intrigue [Name] just a bit as he tilted his head.

While his mom wasn't entirely strict with him using electronics, he wasn't too privy in using them anyways. While he had his fair share of moments regarding downloading and playing a few games on his mom's phone, his interest in them never lasted.

His wandering mind was far too vast for a mere game to contain his interest.

"What are you listening to?" He asked eventually like the curious child he was. The noises that spilled out of the tiny earbuds intrigued him.

The other seemed to raise an eyebrow in response as he took off an earbud. He was a bit disgruntled but offered the earbud if only to spare him the effort of having to explain what music was and what he was listening to specifically.

[Name] happily took up the silent offer as he plugged the earbud in a way he'd seen the redhead do. Immediately a soothing melody filled his ears, causing his eyes to widen a bit.

It was a bit overwhelming, probably more so if he had both earbuds on, but in a good way. Despite not understanding the foreign language, he knew that the music was heartfelt, he could hear it in the singer's anguished voice.

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