Chapter 27

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By now, the stadium was completely packed with people. Everyone was buzzing in excitement at the match that was soon to happen. Most of the support went to the U-20 team however there were still a decent amount of believers that the Blue Lock project would succeed.

[Name] took a deep breath at the sight as he adjusted his outfit before tightening his hold on the mic he held. He could feel his hands grow slightly clammy as he gripped the bottom of his shirt with his free hand, trying to wipe it off discreetly.

"You good?" Kai asked as she finally came to check on him after ensuring everything was set up with the technical crew. "You're on in ten." She informed.

"I guess," He breathed out shakily. "Just feeling a bit nervous, nothing too unusual." He offers her a weak grin.

Kai stared at him blankly for a few seconds before sighing. She walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "You'll do great, just like you always have." Her voice was stern and confident, a huge contrast to the small reassuring smile on her face.

"You think so?" He whispers, his eyes falling onto the hand resting on his shoulder.

"I know so." She smiled before taking a step back. "Now calm down. If you keep thinking bad things you'll end up manifesting them to happen."

"Is that how it works?!" He shrieks at his manager who is already walking.

"Just clear your mind and sing. It's only the national anthem, you can do it. If the crowd gets overbearing to look at, close your eyes."

[Name] couldn't help but sweatdrop at the simplicity before realizing that it is, in fact, that simple. It was a song he'd been taught since he was young, the lyrics almost engraved in his soul.

He's got this.

He took a deep breath before turning around, readying himself to walk to the middle of the field where everyone could see him. As he got into position, a large screen suddenly displayed the country's flag, causing everyone to rise from their seats instantly.

He turned to look at his manager who simply gave him a thumbs up. The sudden silence in such a crowded place felt unnerving but he pressed on. He waited for the cue and when he saw it, he sang.

A smooth melody left his lips as he started the first lines of the ode to their country. Everyone else sang along momentarily before stopping and quieting down as they listened to him sing with hints of fascination.

Those who knew of him long beforehand couldn't help but smile at the young boy who'd come so far on his journey. As for everyone else who was now recognizing him, they all wore a similar expression as they listened to their beloved anthem be sung with such sincerity.

Deep within the stadium, a long figure lingered in its halls as he leaned against a wall, listening to [Name]'s muffled voice. A gentle expression had settled on his face as he took a moment to admire it.

He's come so far and Sae couldn't be prouder. It was a shame he couldn't be with him during his progress but that was fine, this was fine. A small sigh left his lips as he kicked himself off the wall, he supposed it was time he headed back to where the other players were before they realized he snuck off.

Unfortunately, what he didn't realize, is that they already have.

As [Name] finished the piece he made sure to take a bow before letting out a deep breath and immediately turning to Kai with a giddy smile on his face. He was about to walk over to her before she raised a palm at him, as though telling him to pause.

The female listened to the speaker her ears with a frustrated look, trying to understand what was being told to her through the noisy audience. [Name] couldn't help but frown at that, wanting to know what was going on.

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