Chapter 16

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"Where are we even going?" Nagi frowned as the excited Reo dragged him and [Name] out of their classrooms the moment the bell for lunch rang. Despite them borderline sprinting down the halls, no one seemed to reprimand them while the other students even moved away from their path.

Must be the perks of being rich and popular, Nagi hummed.

"Just keep following me!" Reo yelled as he eventually let go of Nagi's wrist, his excitement getting to him, as he ran ahead. He looked behind him with a grin on his face as he waved his friends to hurry up.

Nagi had his eyes narrowed and turned to [Name] for answers only to find the teen just as clueless as he was.

"He's never been this excited before." [Name] shrugged as he shoved his hands inside the pockets of his jacket. He began to walk ahead as well before Reo got too impatient.

The duo followed after Reo who had exited the building through a side exit. Right now, they were walking along the back of the school where the field could be located.

"We're nearly there!" Reo yelled as he began to sprint even faster. Nagi couldn't help but groan as he had no choice but to speed up his walking.

As they turned around a corner, Reo eventually stopped right in front of a closed door. 

"You dragged us out here for a door?" Nagi commented blankly as he stared at the door before turning to Reo questioningly.

"Of course not." Reo took no offense to Nagi's tone as he brought out a key from within his jacket's blazer. He grinned widely as he stepped closer to the lock and opened it, revealing a neat-looking room.

All three of them entered and [Name] couldn't help but make the connection that this place looked like a locker room, more specifically, for a club. "Did Hakuho always have a place like this?" He asked as he eyed the seemingly brand new and expensive-looking equipment inside.

The room looked new and well-maintained yet if that was the case, why had he never seen it before whenever they were required to use the field for P.E. class?

"Tadah!" Reo yelled with his hands above his head before pulling out a cart filled with soccer balls. "The reason I've been so busy these past weeks was because I had this personally built! From this day onwards, this is the designated club room for the Soccer team."

"Woah." Nagi's voice was bland but despite that, he was genuinely amazed at the fact that Reo managed to get an entire building done in the span of a few weeks.

"It's not an official club yet since there are no members other than us two but that shouldn't be too hard to fix," Reo smirked as he flipped his hair like a stereotypical rich kid in movies.

[Name] couldn't help but deadpan as he leaned against a wall with crossed arms. "Why bring me here too, then? You know I'm not part of this little soccer dream of yours, right?" Although he wasn't entirely serious about his question, something deep within his mind still craved an answer.

Truth be told, it wasn't just about this one particular moment of being dragged here. It applied to all the other times Reo had brought him along despite not needing to.

"Why not?" Reo gave a closed-eye smile as he walked closer to where [Name] was standing. "Who cares if you aren't part of the dream Nagi and I have for soccer? You're still our friend."

[Name] couldn't help but huff fondly as he gave Reo a small smile. It wasn't the answer he was expecting but he'll take it.

"Why not just make him part of it then?" Nagi suddenly spoke up as he approached them as well, his hands now inside the pockets of his jacket. "If we're gonna be a real club soon, can't you just make him some sort of manager?"

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