Chapter 29

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Bit by bit, everything felt like it was starting to get better.

After finally getting to talk it out with Sae a few days ago, he also managed to convince him to have a chat with Rin. Granted, that resulted in a lot of cursing and many almost punches but at least they weren't as bad as they would have been without the talk.

Rin is still very much mad at Sae for the methods Sae had used and the words that had been said but he's trying to somewhat understand just how it could've been for his own good. Sae on the other hand apologized lightly for what he said before ending it with a snide remark that he said and [Name] quotes; "You still have a long way to go before standing foot on the world stage with me."

That ended in Rin almost tackling Sae to the ground but he and Hana managed to hold them back. Unfortunately, when Hana also mentioned that Sae had ghosted even her, [Name] let Rin go and even took a turn cursing him out.

All in all, it ended up well, leaving [Name] feeling lighter than he has for months now. He had expected to spend the entire holidays being haunted by all the people he had lost but it ended up getting resolved in the end.

Due to being on break, [Name] had also gone back home to stay with his mom. For once, he wasn't busy with his career so he was just chilling in his room, finally getting to read books he couldn't touch for months due to lack of time.

Man, he sure missed not doing anything.

Just as he flipped to the next page, his phone suddenly vibrated. [Name] couldn't help but feel his eyes twitch at the sudden occurrence. He swears if that was a message regarding a change in schedule, he will throw himself out of the window.

With an annoyed sigh, he picked his phone up and unlocked it before heading over to his contacts. His eyes seemed to widen a bit in surprise because instead of it being Kai like he had expected, it was Reo.

After the karaoke thing, he hadn't been able to contact them and vice versa. He knew that Nagi and Reo were both buys fixing up all the things they had missed during the Blue Lock program so he sort of understood the long silence from them.

What he didn't expect was to be chatted all of a sudden.


Money by Lalisa
Hey, I know this is sudden but
wanna hangout?


[Name] reread the message a few times, wondering if it was real and that it wasn't just the romance novel getting to him. After closing his phone on and off and heading back to the message, he has deemed it as real.

He typed a simple response.


Money by Lalisa
Hey, I know this is sudden but
wanna hangout?

Mama, I'm a star!


Okay, even he has to admit that was a bit too simple.


Money by Lalisa
Hey, I know this is sudden but
wanna hangout?

Mama, I'm a star!
I'm surprisingly not busy for once :))


Alright, that was better. 

[Name] gave a small, satisfied smile as he waited for Reo to respond. He closed his phone for a second and decided to go back to his book. Unfortunately, no matter how hard he tried to get back into it, the anxiousness of waiting for a message made him unable to do so.

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