Chapter 3

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[Name] had always been able to see the red strings. At first, he wondered what they were but since no one really talked about it, he decided to just not ask and treat it as if it were normal.

As far as he knew, the strings never really hindered him in any way. They were like a hologram, if he were to describe it. They were quite vibrant in color yet he couldn't interact with them. He'd always just phase through it whenever someone's string blocks his path.

The first time he learned about what the string really was is when his mother first told him a bedtime story about it. He was quite fascinated and asked a lot of questions. Pieces seemed to form together and then he finally realized only he could see these strings.

He asked around if anyone else could see it but he only got weird looks and negative answers in his search. He remembered trying to grab the strings every now and then yet it always phases through his hands. While he wasn't really disappointed, he was still quite curious about how they worked.

The strings could be tied almost anywhere yet the most common place was always the fingers. Everyone had a string as far as [Name] could deduce yet he remains to be an exception to this rule.

Does this mean he didn't have a soulmate or a fated person?

He always thought about this whenever he saw two people walking hand in hand while a red thread connected them together. It was quite disheartening to think he might end up alone but he decided to push those thoughts away.

So what if he didn't have a fated person? He could always just adopt pets and live a quiet and serene life alone. Plus, he'd probably be too focused on giving his mother the best life possible to even think about the red string he lacked.

He maintained that mindset in everywhere he went. He stopped feeling just a bit jealous at the sight of people walking around with their fated person and even helped a few of them coincidentally meet just a bit earlier.

He told himself he was contented with most likely being alone, yet when he saw the lack of string in Reo's hands, he couldn't help but feel a surge of hope bloom in him. And while he knew it wasn't exactly the best first impression to start searching his hands without elaborating, he just had to confirm.

Despite how much he observed the other in the next few days, he never found a string on him. Call him cruel for finding relief in Reo not having a string as well but could you really blame him for feeling this way?

Interest filled him as he watched Reo from time to time. Based on what he could tell, the other was quite popular so it boggled him just a bit as to why he didn't have a soulmate or anything like that. Because surely, he'd meet someone good with all the connections he has.

Was it because he was already born into a very fortunate life? [Name] mused at the thought of this being fate's cruel version of a trade-off. An easy-going life in exchange for spending it all alone.

A sigh left his lips as his thoughts were interrupted by the bell. As per usual, multiple people were quick to crowd around his and Reo's shared desk. While he would've felt more annoyed at them, he couldn't help but feel bad for Reo more.

"I'm sorry, but I think I'll be eating here in the classroom again." Reo gave a small apologetic smile as he brought his hands together. Multiple groans were heard from their classmates while a few of them even gave [Name] a dirty look.

Reo's been staying in the classroom for lunch ever since he transferred in and while most people understood and respected his decisions, a few of the kids that deemed themselves as Reo's "closest friends" couldn't help but blame [Name] for his new behavior.

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