Chapter 28

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"Any last words you'd like to tell your fans?" The nice lady asked politely, smiling as she patiently waited for the young boy's answer.

"I'm truly thankful for everyone's support!" He gave a charming laugh, feeling bashful at remembering what had happened not too long ago. "Even though I'm inexperienced and still quite young, you all still decided to give me a chance. I wouldn't have made it to where I am now without everyone, thank you once again!"

"What a heartwarming message!" The interviewer cooed at that as she turned to the camera filming them. "You heard it here folks! Thank you so much to [Name]-san for being such a wonderful guest in today's show and see you all next time!"

[Name] grinned at the camera as he waved his hands goodbye. A few seconds later, a large bell rang, signaling the cameras were finally being cut. Immediately, the crew disbursed from behind the scenes as they began roaming around to start on their next jobs.

[Name] looked back at the host of the show he was invited to and offered her a handshake. "Thank you so much for inviting me today. I always did love your show." Ever since childhood, he'd dreamed of being invited to her shows one day. After years of hard work, it finally came true.

"No, thank you for accepting my invitation." The nice lady smiled back as she shook his hand with both of hers. "I meant every word I said, you deserve everything you've achieved so far. I'm truly looking forward to how much more you grow in the future."

[Name] offered her a final nod before they both stood up from their respective seats to talk with other people. The lady went ahead to the director while [Name] went straight for Kai who had been watching the entire thing from the sidelines.

"Shall we go? You don't have anything else scheduled so you can go home." Kai asked immediately as she checked over the tablet she cradled in her arms. "I'll call over the driver if you're ready."

"Yeah, that'd be nice." He nodded at her before feeling his phone vibrate. He grabbed the device from his pocket and clicked it open, revealing a message from Nagi Seishiro himself. He couldn't help but feel his eyebrows raise at the sight as he clicked it open.

He was redirected to their private chat and saw that the message sent to him wasn't a message but a location. It was near where he was, something he could reach in a few minutes by car.

He sent a string of question marks at that but received nothing back causing him to frown. "Hey, Kai." He spoke slowly, raising his head to look up from his phone screen.

"Yes?" The lady turned to look back at him.

"Rather than going home, can you take me here instead?" He opened up the location Nagi sent him and turned his phone around to show Kai. The manager leaned close to the phone and checked it over with a thoughtful look.

"Of course, I can," She replied after scrutinizing the location. She leaned away from the phone and placed a hand on her hip, her eyes looking back at [Name] this time. "Are you sure you want to head there thought?" She asked.

[Name] chewed on his lips before sighing with a shrug. "Mmh, yeah. Why?"

The girl eyed him up and down blankly before shaking her head. "Never mind, let's go." Kai turned around and began heading towards the door. "The driver should be here by the time we get down."

"Alright," [Name] nodded as he jogged after her.

True to her words, once they got down to the main floor of the tall building, the driver Kai had called over was already waiting for them. They entered the vehicle and with a swift order, had them turning to the location [Name] asked.

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