The Road Runner

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Hi, my fellow Fremione fans ;)

This is actually the first story I have ever written. That was about two years ago (I think). It's already posted on ao3 and ffn, but I thought I would share it here too.

So, since this was my first story ever and English is not my first language, bare with me ;D.
I have gone over the story multiple times by now, so the errors shouldn't be as much.

This story has 25 chapters and is of course completely written. So, I will post more than one chapter at once or one each day, we'll see how busy life gets. ;-)

But I do hope you will love this friends to lovers story.

Hermione was sitting at the bar with a martini in one hand and a book in the other wearing a navy-blue A-line dress that stops right above her knee. It had short lace sleeves that just covered her shoulders.
She was sitting in their favourite muggle bar, named The Road Runner, for 20 minutes when she looked up at the clock, 9.30PM. She looked at the door, took a sip from her drink and turned her attention back to her book. Five minutes later she jumped a little when she heard someone yell her name.


She looked up and saw all her friends gathering at the biggest booth in the corner. She slid off her bar stool and propped the book in her bag.

"Of course, you will bring a book to a bar..." Ron said grinning.

"Oh, hi to you too." Hermione rolled her eyes at him. "I was waiting for you lot!"

Hermione gave everyone a kiss on the cheek except for Harry and Neville. "Happy birthday boys!" She pulled them both in a hug and gave each two kisses on the cheek.

"Thanks!" They said at the same time. She squished herself between Hannah Abbot and Luna, looking around at her friends smiling. Neville took a seat next to Hannah while Harry sat down next to Ginny. Next to Luna sat Angelina and George, across from her Ron and Fred.

"Are Seamus and Dean coming?" Luna asked.

"They weren't sure. Dean had to work tonight. So, it depends on how long it's going to take."

"What is he doing?"

"You know I can't say that, Luna." Harry answered.

"Oh, the refreshments are here." Hermione said before Luna could ask more questions. The young waitress brought over a full plate of tequila shots.

"But we didn't order anything." Harry looked up at the waitress.

"You didn't. I did." She smiled at the waitress. "Thank you."

"Yeah. Thanks." Fred said looking at the waitress and put on his flirty smile. Almost everyone at the table rolled their eyes at Fred. "What?!" He asked as the waitress left with a blush on her cheeks.

"Nothing." They all said at the same time. They looked at each other and started laughing. Hermione picked up her shot and pointed at Harry and Neville.

"To 22!"

"To 22!" The rest chimed in and chucked back the shots.

"So, Mione, where is Sam?" Angelina asked. Hannah and Ginny looked a bit worried at Hermione.

"It's okay." Looking at both girls before answering Angelina. "Uhm, we broke up."

"WHAT!? What happened?" Harry and Angelina yelled.

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