The Law

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By Monday night, Kingsley floo called Hermione and Charlie telling them they didn't decide yet and that the court will gather the next day to discuss it further. They were disappointed but still hopeful.

"At least there talking about it and not just shutting it down." Charlie said as they stood up from the fireplace and poured them a glass of fire whiskey.

"I know." She took the glass and sipped it before sitting down on the sofa. "Maybe we didn't put in enough evidence, not enough information."

"Hermione, we did everything we could. Now is the hard part, waiting."

"Yeah." She said softly her mind already drifting of. "It just with this and with the reserve in Wales, we are sort of in limbo you know. I almost told it to Fred yesterday."

"I almost spilled the beans to George too. Thank Merlin you whispered something dirty to Fred that moment, because it was the perfect distraction." He grinned at her, and she blushed. "What did you say to my brother that it made him shut up?"

"I'm not telling you!" Her eyes went wide.

"That dirty, hé?"

Hermione chucked a pillow at his head as he laughed.

"Come on, let's go do our night rounds before heading to bed." He was still laughing as he pulled her up and handed her coat.

"Charlie?" Hermione asked as they walked on the dimly lit pathway, the full moon shining down on them. They silent breathing from different dragons filled the air as they slept.

"Yes?" He looked away from the enclosure he was glancing in.

"I just wanted to thank you."

"For what?"

"For the opportunity to work here. Even though I miss home and our family." Charlie smiled as she called his family, ours. "It really opened my eyes and I really love working here and working with you." She stopped walking and turned to him. "I just wanted to tell you in case Wales falls through."

Charlie pulled her close and wrapped her in a tight hug.

"I love working with you too. I learned so much from you and we've become even more close than before. I'll miss you if you go back home."

"I'll miss you too." She murmured in his chest.

"But let's not dwell on this." He pulled her back on her shoulders looking in her eyes. "Nothing is decided. By this time next week, we will know."

She nodded and turned started walking back on the pathway.

"So, you decided?"

"Decided?" She looked at him frowning in confusion.

"If Wales won't happen, you would be going back home at the end of the year."

"I don't know." She sighed. "You know I love it here."

"But Fred."

"Not only Fred but yeah. I never felt like this for anyone before." She said looking down, twirling with her necklace. Charlie dropped his arm over her shoulders.

"And believe me when I tell you Fred hasn't either. I've never seen him like this. His head over hills with you."

Hermione smiled to herself as Charlie told her this. He squeezed her shoulders and looked down.

"Come on." He turned them. "Let's get back to the cabin, it's getting late."

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