Ginny & The Twins

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The next day Ginny floo'd over to the burrow. As she stepped out of the fireplace, she saw the twins waiting for her.

"You ready?" Fred asked, she nodded.

"Let's get this over with."

"Harry arrived five minutes ago. He's already in the kitchen." George led her to the kitchen, their mother was putting on a fresh pot of tea while Harry sat across from her on the table nervously twirling his fingers. Ginny made her way over to Harry and gave him a small smile. She took in a deep breath before turning to her mother.

"Mum? Can we talk?" Mrs. Weasley turned around and Ginny gestured her to sit down. The twins already sat down next to her. Mum looked worriedly at them.

"Is something wrong? It isn't Hermione, right?"

"No mum, Hermione's fine. Harry and I have an announcement." Her voice trembled at the last part. Harry noticed it and stepped in.

"Molly. Gin and I have decided to separate." Molly's eyes went big, looking between her daughter and Harry. "We love each other but we grew apart."

Grew apart? Molly mouthed, clearly not understanding.

"Mum, I know this is hard, but it just wasn't meant to be. Our relationship has been in trouble for a while now but neither of us had to nerve to call it quits."

"But you love each other and have been together for years, surely you can work this out?"

"Mum, we tried! We have been trying but it just not working."

"I love your daughter and probably always will, but we are not in love, I think we all know how important that is."

Molly was trying very hard not to let her tears fall. "You are absolutely sure?"

The exes nodded. Molly let out a sigh and stood up, crossing the table and hugging her daughter tight before moving on to Harry.

"I just want you to be happy. And Harry you will always be a part of our family."

"Thanks, Molly."

"Now if you will excuse me, I have rooms to clean." She quickly made her way upstairs. They heard the bedroom door close behind her.

"That went better than expected." George looked up the stairs before turning to the rest. They all nodded in agreement. After an awkward silence Harry made his way to the living room.

"I should get going." He turned towards Ginny. "Gin, I – I'm always available if you want to talk. I know it won't be easy in the beginning, but I really do hope we'll stay friends."

Ginny made her way over and gave him a quick hug. "I hope so too." And with a last wave Harry stepped in the fireplace and disappeared with green flash.

Ginny dropped down on the couch and let out a sigh. The twins dropping down on either side of her wrapping and arm around her shoulders.

"It will all be okay."

"I know. I already feel like there is weight lifted from my shoulders."

"Maybe we should press harder then?" George smirked at Fred. Both pushed their arms down, but Ginny already grabbed a pillow and smacked it across their faces before laughing.

It was Tuesday night and George just finished packing when he heard a knock on his front door. He zipped up his bag and took it with him. Dropping it down next to the fireplace before opening the door.

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