The Minister of Magic

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They played a few games after their parents went to bed. Harry and Ron were still there, and Fred was getting more and more frustrated that he couldn't be near her. When he got back from the bathroom George was sitting in his place leaving a spot open next to Hermione. He looked over at his twin who was grinning at him. He smiled back and dropped down next to Hermione, scooting close enough so their legs were touching. She smiled up at him before she turned her gaze back to the game of Clue.

"Hermione." Harry said carefully. "I saw Sam last week."

"Oh." Hermione said surprised as she felt Fred stiffen next to her. "How is he?"

"He's been good, I think. He wants to talk to you though."

"Why does he want to talk to Hermione?" Fred asked defiantly. Hermione grazed his leg with hers trying to reassure him.

"I don't know." Harry looked at Fred frowning and turned back to Hermione. "What are you going to do?"

"I don't know. I leave for Romania tomorrow and even if I'm not, I don't know what he wants to talk about. I haven't heard from him since the end of July."

"She doesn't have to talk to him if she doesn't want to." Ginny chimed in.

"No, I know but I just thought I tell her." Harry said defensively.

"Thanks for telling me, Harry. But it's getting late. I think I'll better get going." She slowly rose from the sofa.

"Yeah, let's go, Hermione." Ginny got up next to her and locked their arms together and walked to the fireplace. "Goodnight, boys."

Hermione's gaze found Fred's and gave him a quick wink before disappearing in a green flame when Ginny called out Hermione's flat. Once arrived at her flat Hermione said goodbye to Ginny and floo'd over to the twins flat. When she stepped out Fred was waiting for her. He held out his hand and she gladly took it. He pulled her close and wrapped himself around her.

"Finally." He sighed before claiming her lips. She hummed in agreement as they broke the kiss. She looked around the room.

"Where is George?"

"He told Angelina he'd stop by after her shift."

"So, we have the whole place to ourselves?" She smiled sweetly at him as she trailed her hands over his chest.

"Not really. Charlie is in George's room, but I have another plan."

"Oh. And what might that be?"

"You trust me?"


"Hold on tight." She wrapped her arms around his neck as he apparated them of the room. She opened her eyes; she was standing in the backroom of the Hogsmeade shop.

"What are we doing here?"

"We didn't get to finish our tour this morning." He pulled her to the stairs and walked up.

"Oh, your flat."

"Hopefully our flat one day." He said as they reached the landing. She leaned forward, looking up.

"I hope so too." Fred turned the doorknob and led her in. "You've been decorating already!"

The living room was decorated with rustic furniture with beige walls. On a large white cabinet on the right were several photographs of his family spread out. "This place looks amazing!"

"Thanks. Come, let me show you the rest." He showed her the rest of the flat before taking her out to the balcony. She shivered from the cold air and Fred quickly shed himself from his coat and draped it over her shoulders. She smiled at him before her gaze found the sky. Hermione gasped as she saw the sky, filled with bright stars. "This isn't the best part."

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