Telling The Family

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Hermione was fumbling with her sleeve, bouncing nervously from one leg to another as she stepped in the fireplace with Charlie. He hooked his arm around hers as they looked at the twins.

"See you two in a bit." Charlie winked and they disappeared in green flames.

When Hermione and Charlie entered the living room it was already full of people. Ginny squealed and jumped up from her seat, flinging her arms around the pair.

"Hi Ginny." Charlie and Hermione laughed in unison.

"I have some news to tell you." Ginny whispered to her. "Later." She smiled and stepped aside so Mr Weasley and Bill could greet them. After they greeted the remaining people, she sat down between Harry and Ron. She was trying to focus on their conversation, but she grew anxious and kept glancing between Charlie and the fireplace.

"Hermione?" Ron's voice called her back to the present.

"What? Sorry."

"I asked if you are bringing a date to Neville's wedding."

"Oh, she's bringing her favourite Weasley of course." Charlie said from behind her before she could answer. He placed his hands on her shoulders as he smiled at Ron and Harry. "What about you two?"

"They will probably take each other."

"I think that's well overdue." The twins joking voices called from the fireplace as they rubbed of the sooth from their clothes.

"Gross." Ron crunched up his nose while Harry just laughed. Hermione smiled at the twins before Molly came bustling in as she wiped her hands on her apron. She smiled at the recent arrivals before pulling them in a hug.

"Oh mum. We brought you something." The twins grinned as George pulled out a parcel from his pocket. Molly eyed it cautiously.

"It's safe mum." Fred said honestly.

"We just thought you want a new one."

Molly accepted the parcel and opened it carefully. Her mouth fell open as she saw a burgundy apron in front of her. In large letters said: The Weasley Clan, with under it the names their family members, that included Hermione and Harry in golden letters.

"Oh boys!" Tears falling down her face, she pulled her twins back in her arms.

"What is it, mum?" Bill asked as he walked over. Molly pulled apart from the boys as she undid her old apron, George took the old one while Fred helped her put on the new one. Molly showed her new apron proudly at the rest of them.

"We can even add future family members on it." The twins said happily.

"I'll wear it every day. Now come in the kitchen dinner is ready." She smiled at her family who were all looking at the apron.

The gathered in the kitchen and Hermione took a seat next to Charlie. Fred sat down on her other side while George sat down next to Charlie. When everyone was seated Fred and George jumped up.

"There is an announcement to be made."

"And we will proudly introduce to you-"

"The announcers for this evening."

"Miss Hermione Granger-"

"And Mister Charlie Weasley." The twins ended as they applauded. The rest of the table looked confused at them. Charlie looked at Hermione, she gave him a quick nod and Charlie rose from his seat as they twins sat back down. He looked at Hermione and held out his hand. She gladly took it as she stood up next to him.

"What's going on?" Ron whined. "I'm hungry."

"If you will shut up for a minute-"

"They'll explain-"

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