A New Job

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It was Saturday when Fred was cursing in the kitchen. The whole kitchen was a mess. He wanted to make the cookies from scratch without any magic. In front of him lay a piece of paper with the instructions, covered with bits of eggs and flower. He was just stirring the batter when George came in.

"Merlin! What the hell happened here?" He took in Fred and the kitchen, both covered in cookie batter. Fred had flour in his hair and his shirt was dirty.

"I don't know how muggles do it! This is a disaster."

"What are you making?"


"And why don't you use magic, you are a wizard you know." Fred scowled at his twin as he continued with his 'baking'.

"Do you need help?" George asked carefully.

"No, it's okay. I think I almost got it. I will be down as soon as I'm finished. "

"Okay. Do clean up after yourself would you." As George walked back to the door.

An hour later Fred was cleaning up the kitchen when his cookies were finally in the oven. He took a quick shower and when he put on a clean shirt, the bell of the oven went off. He carefully took them out and placed them on the counter to cool down. He made his way down to help at the store. That evening Fred and George plopped down on the couch after finishing dinner. Since his talk with Hermione last Tuesday, he was contemplating to tell George about it.

Before he could say something, George spoke up. "I can hear you think... What's up?" Fred looked at his twin. He saw worry cross over George's face.

"George... -" he didn't know where to start. As if he could read his mind George said.

"Freddie? You know you can tell me anything right?"

He took a deep breath and started. "I know that you all think I'm just a guy who wants flings. I mean I was that guy, but not anymore. I want more out of life. If I see you and Ange, I get jealous and not in the way you think. Jealous that you found someone you will spend the rest of your life with. I want someone like that, I want a family. And I know you probably think I'm crazy and I'm not up for something like that but... -" he needed to breath, all of that came out in one breath. George took him by the shoulders and pulled him in a hug.

"How, why, would you think we feel that way about you. None of us will understand what you went through. We all knew you would want a family someday. We also knew you needed to blow of some steam and process everything that happened. And what you need to know is, we all love you just the same." He pulled his brother back in a hug. "How long did you feel this way?" George asked as he drew back from the hug.

"A little over a year."

"A year? Why did you decide to tell me now?"

"Hermione." He said honestly. He saw the confused look is his face.

"Hermione knew?"

"Yeah. I had my check up this week and she was my healer and we talked about some stuff, I just told her the truth. Don't know why, but I did and I'm glad I did it because she reasoned with me to talk to you. That's why I made those cookies." He only half lied about that. "To thank her."

They sat in silence for a minute.

"You're not mad, are you? That I told her first?"

"No Freddie, of course not. I know you two got close over the past few years. I'm happy you had someone to talk about it and you know what." George jumped up from the couch. "I think I will make her cookies too, to thank her for getting your mind straight." Fred chuckled as his brother made his way to the kitchen. He followed him and leaned against the counter watching him gather the ingredients.

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