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The next few days were pretty consistent. Fred and Hermione slept in late, snuggling, teasing in the bedroom before walking down to the shop at noon and help out the rest of the afternoon. And at night they ate dinner with George. Hermione, although she missed her work, never felt happier. She loved to spent time with the twins, they could always make her laugh and feel better.

It was now Saturday night and she and the twins were in the kitchen, side by side making dinner. Hermione planted in the middle of them, already covered in spaghetti sauce as the twins flicked sauce at each other over her head.

"Boys!" She cried out. The twins both lowered their spoons and looked at her and started laughing.

"Sorry." They said not sounding even remotely sorry. Hermione in the meanwhile was slowly reaching for her wand and give it a small wave. Their spoons flew out of their hands and started pounding on their heads. Covering them with sauce as they tried to shoo away the spoons.

"You don't know-"

"What you gotten yourself into." Hermione ducked away from the twins as she saw the mischievous smiles plastered on their faces. But they were too quick and cornered her as they took control of the spoons. They all started to laugh as a food fight broke out, covering them all in sauce and spaghetti.

Hermione was just about to flick a spoon at George when the fireplace lit. Out of the fireplace stumbled a baffled Charlie.

"What the hell happened here?" He looked at them in shock trying to stifle his laugh.

Fred, George and Hermione looked at him with wide eyes before they all started laughing. Hermione still with the spoon in the air.

"Is it safe to come in?"

"Yes, Charlie. Good to see you." She placed the spoon on the counter and made her way to the third Weasley smiling and kissed his cheek. "I'm going to take a shower. You two clean this up will you. See if there is some dinner left."

The boys made quick work of cleaning the kitchen and even before Hermione was fully undressed, Fred entered the bathroom.

"Mind if I join you?" His eyes grew big as Hermione stood there in her bra and skirt, her hair still full of sauce and pasta.

"Not at all." She smiled seductively at him. She pulled on the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head, tracing a trail of kisses down on his chest. She reached his belt buckle and undid it as she slid his pants down, including his boxers. Fred stood there completely naked in front of her, not a bit embarrassed. Hermione's gaze trailed up and down, taking him all in.

"You like what you see?" He grinned and his mind going blank as she licked her lips and nodded. "Your turn." He decided as he reached out and pulled her close. With one hand he undid her bra while the other found his way into her hair and snogged her senseless.

He pulled back slightly and tossed the bra aside and pushed her skirt down. He reached behind her and turned on the shower. He picked her up, her legs wrapped around his waist as Fred started kissing her again as he stepped into the shower. They took their time caressing, teasing, washing and loving each other. By the time they got out, their hands were wrinkled.

When they finally got out Ginny had arrived and was sitting at the dining table with George and Charlie, four bags of take away in the centre of the table.

"I guess there wasn't much pasta left?" Hermione chuckled. Ginny whipped her head around and jumped up, running to Hermione and pulled her into a tight hug.

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