The Flat

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"Hermione?" He whispered before running to her and literally swiping her of her feet.

"Hi love!" She smiled shyly. "Good surprise?"

"The best!" He lowered his head and kissed her with everything he got. After a few minutes they pulled away, needing air. "Did George know about this?"

"Yes, we have been planning this for the last two weeks. You actually almost caught me an hour ago." She wrapped her arms around his neck and played with his hair. "When you came in the backroom." She explained. "I only arrived a couple of minutes before and when we heard you coming, I hid under George's desk."

"No!" Fred laughed and Hermione joined him, nodding her head. Fred pulled back and looked at her properly. "You look stunning!"

"Thanks." She murmured quietly before heading back to the kitchen. "Come on, sit down. Dinner is ready."

Fred sat down and saw that the table was set for two. "George isn't coming, is he?"

"Nope, he wanted to give us some time alone."

"I got to thank him later then." He smiled as Hermione sat down close next to him.

They ate in silence, just enjoying been near each other again. Hermione finished her plate before looking at him. "Fred?" Fred stopped his fork halfway and glanced back at her. "Did you tell anyone about us?"

"Only Ginny. And George's knows of course. You?"

"No, only Charlie knows.

"Why do you ask?"

"It's just... I want to keep it quiet for now. It's still new and with me being in Romania-"

"If you want, we can keep it a secret." He wiggled his eyebrows. "A sexy secret."

She smiled before capturing his lips. "I wanted to ask before we go to the burrow this Sunday. You know how your mum gets. We are still trying to figure things out. If the rest of the family knows-"

"Who knows what they'll say or do." Fred finished.

"And believe me if things were different, I would stand on top of the astronomy tower and yell to the whole world how much I love you."

Fred spun so fast around, she had barely had time to blink. He took her into his arms and pulled them up from their seats, lips crashing against each other.

"Gods Mione! I love you!" He whispered as he trailed kisses down her neck. He put her up on the counter and stood between her legs. "I missed you so much."

He pulled her strap down as he started kissing his way down to her breast. Hermione's head fell back breathing heavy. Enjoying each kiss he planted on her. She heard him gasp and looked down. His blue eyes staring up at her wide.

"You're not wearing a bra." He choked out.

"That's not the only thing I'm not wearing." She said suggestively. Fred groaned and kissed her again, one hand in her hair while the other was on her breast. Fred's hand then slipped down under her legs, and picked her up. He felt her bare bum on his hands which earned Hermione another groan, she chuckled softly. He carried her to the bedroom to finish what he started.

Fred woke up smiling as he thought back to the nice surprise that was waiting for him in the flat. That surprise was now sleeping with her head on his chest, her legs tangled in his and her hand on his heart. He hummed happily at the feeling of waking up next to her. He kissed the top of her head, his fingers circling her back. "I love you." He murmured in her hair.

He felt her smile against his chest before she looked up at him. "I love you."

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you."

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