Tiny Dragons

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Hermione apparated them right in the twins flat. Fred nearly dropped his glass when they popped in with a crack. Hermione looked over at Fred who was lounging on the sofa, glass in one hand, a book the other.

"Sorry love, didn't mean to scare you." She smiled as she let go of Charlie and walked over to him. She bent down and kissed him before lifting his legs and sitting down on the sofa with him, his legs on her lap. Charlie sat down at the love seat in front of him smiling.

"What are you smiling about?" Fred asked eyeing his brother.

"Two things actually. First: you two really look happy together. And second, Kingsley is going to talk to the ministers of France and Romania to change the law on trafficking."

"First, thank you. I really am." Fred smiled at Hermione. "And second, that's brilliant!"

"Yeah, we know. Kingsley is going to update us as soon as he knows more."

"I'm really happy that people are finally taking steps to ensure their safety and wellbeing and not just as a danger." Hermione said as she summoned two bottles of butterbeer.

"We did it!" George burst into to room. "Hermione, Charlie you're back! How did it go?"

Charlie shortly explained what Kingsley said (except for the Wales part).

"That's brilliant! And as we are at the topic of dragons. Come down. We need to show you something."

Fred dropped his legs to the ground and helped her up smiling. He held her tight with his arm firmly around her waist. She knew he wouldn't let her go until she had to leave but she didn't mind, she wrapped her arm around his waist as they walked down to the backroom.

"So, you know how we wanted to replicate those minuscule dragons from the tournament right?" George asked smiling as he looked at Charlie.


"Well with our dear Hermione's help the last few days we finally figured it out. Look."

George stepped to his desk and pulled away the blanket that covered a glass box. In the glass box were three little dragons waddling around. Charlie's eyes turned as big as Hermione's as they leaned closer.

"This is absolutely brilliant!" Charlie yelled excited. "Do you need to feed them and such?"

"No. They don't need food or water. They can fly and walk and will get attached to one person. They can feel your emotions too. So if you're feeling sad, they will come up to you and curl up on your lap."

Hermione looked at Fred and George who were beaming. She walked over to George, hugged him tight before kissing him on the cheek. She then moved to Fred and kissed him passionately. When she pulled back, she looked at her boys.

"You two are extraordinary! Absolutely amazing!"

They both blushed at her praise, George recovered first. "Now why don't the both of you pick one?"

"What?" They both asked surprised.

"You two inspired the idea. Of course, you get the first pick."

"Are you sure? These are the only ones you have."

"Yes. We know how to make them now. It takes about a week to create one. And we won't start selling these until Christmas."

"Okay." Hermione turned smiling at the box and saw that Charlie already picked one. It was an Ironbelly like Oco. The tiny dragon was snuggled up in the palm of his hand. Hermione stroked the back of the dragon, who sounded like he was purring.

"What are you naming the little fella?"

"Is it a boy or a girl?"

"We didn't give them sexes. So you can choose."

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