A Phone Call

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At that moment the door opened, and George walked in with a flash. He took a picture with his camera, he has been carrying it around since he got there.

"Hi Hermione. Couldn't sleep, so I thought I could keep you company. So, this is your second favourite place." George smiled as he stepped closer to her and the dragon. He stroked the dragons head while Hermione bottle fed him.

"George?!" Fred's voice came from her phone. George frowned and looked around the room.


"Who else?" He chuckled. George still frowned as he glanced around the room. Hermione laughed as she sat down in her chair and held up the phone.

"George, I'm on the phone with him. Want to talk to him while I feed Oco?"

"Alright." George looked insecure at the phone and back to Hermione.

"Just hold it to you ear like that." She guided the phone to his good ear. "And talk, you don't need to shout." She grinned at him, remembering Mr. Weasley attempt at calling Harry.


"Ello, twin of mine."

"Wow, this is really amazing. We should work on something like this for the shop. I actually came up with a couple of ideas staying here."

"Really? Like what?"

They talked about George's ideas for the shop and how to get started on the products. Fred laughing hard at the apron Hermione made for Charlie.

"So... what's an Oco?"

"Oco?" George asked. "Oh, it's a baby dragon Hermione is taking care of. She does more than work as a healer for the wizards and witches here. She has the night shift. So, I thought I would keep her company. Of course, I didn't know you were already keeping her company." He grinned and winked at Hermione who tried to hide her blush as she looked back down at Oco.

"Yeah, and now I have been replaced by my own twin." He said with mock shock. "Don't do anything I would do with Hermione."

"Fred! I heard that." Hermione called over laughing.

"Sorry, love." He yelled through the phone which made George almost drop it. "George, can you give the phone to Hermione for a sec?"

"Sure." He smiled and looked at Hermione. "He wants to talk to you. I guess I'm not good enough."

"George, I will see you tomorrow! It will take longer for me to see Hermione so give the phone to her."

"Alright, alright don't get your knickers in a twist." He laughed as he handed over the phone.

"Here, George why don't you sit down, you could finish feeding Oco."

"Are- are you sure?" He asked unsure.

"Yes." She smiled at him. "Oco here is a sweetheart. He won't do anything. I'm right here if you need me." She said as she sat right next to him. George took the bottle; the little dragon wrapped his mouth around it eagerly. Hermione took George's camera and took a quick picture of George and Oco before picking up the phone. "I'm back."

"So, George is really bottle feeding a dragon?" Fred asked shocked. "I wish I could see that."

"I just took a picture so you can see it when he gets back."

"Brilliant. I would like a picture of you too."

"Smooth brother." George chuckled next to her.

"Whatever. So, where were we before my dear brother interrupted?"

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