An Announcement

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The next few weeks they have been working on the plans for the reserve. Every night they were going over the plans, changing what was necessary and going over a list of possible employees. A few days before they left for the wedding, they finished planning. They were going to contact the people for an interview after the wedding and finally had time to relax. Hermione booked herself a spa treatment in the muggle town a few towns over. Charlie looked sceptical about what they did there when Hermione explained. She laughed at the look he gave her and went on her way. Charlie had a "date" that evening with a witch from the town a few miles over.

Hermione was ecstatic, she could keep working with one of her best mates. It's not that Harry and Ron still weren't best friends, but the dynamic shifted after the war. She was now closer to the twins, Ginny and Charlie. They never judged her, they appreciated her brain, not for homework but for real conversation and the boys loved how she could help them make products better or Charlie if he's stuck on something at the reserve.

Hermione stood in front of the fireplace, feeling nervous. Charlie stood next to her holding their bags as he looked at her smiling.

"Let's go break the good news, yeah?"

She smiled back at him nodding as she reached over for to grab a handful of floo powder. "Let's go."

They stepped in the fireplace together and called out for the twins flat. They entered the empty flat and they quickly deposited their bags in the bedrooms. They told the twins they would be arriving after the shop closed so they could surprise them. Hermione opened the front door that led to the shop, they heard the twins downstairs as they made the shop ready to open the doors. They looked at each other grinning as they silently walked downstairs. The backroom was empty, Hermione and Charlie popped their heads out of the backroom and glanced around the shop. Fred and George were talking as they counted the register, their backs to them.

"So, you are going to ask Ange the day after tomorrow?" Fred asked excited.

"Yes." George voice shook as he fumbled with a ring box is his hands.

"Georgie, she will say yes. I think if you wait any longer, she is going to ask you." Fred chuckled. "Besides she will love the ring."

"Thanks for your help, Freddie." George pocketed the box in his robes. "I saw you eyeing a couple of rings yourself. Planning on asking our dear dragon princess for her hand?"

Charlie looked at her in the corner of his eyes, but she kept her face straight, even though her heart was pounding.

"I am going to marry her. But now is too soon, she still in Romania for at least December maybe even longer and our family doesn't even know yet. And I won't give her an ultimatum, I won't let her choose between me or her dream job."

Hermione's eyes filled with tears, Charlie took her hand and gave it a squeeze. She looked at the older Weasley and he gave her a reassuring smile. She wiped away the tears before they could fall down. Hermione pulled her head back in to backroom as she took deep breaths. Charlie stood in silence next to her, waiting a few minutes before heading back in. Not wanting the twins to think they heard their conversation. After a moment they looked back in the shop and the brothers were still on same spot. Charlie and Hermione walked behind them and sat on a bar stool right behind each twin. They grinned before they both opened their coat pockets and took out their miniature dragons, Gemenni and Orion, the dragons flew out and swirled above them. Both twins were so focused on their registers they didn't even notice. Hermione gestured to the dragons to fly lower. Orion flew right above George's head making a few strands of hair stick up. George patted his hair back and looked up confused.

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