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It was the night Fred and George were leaving for home. Both boys have been moping around all day, working on the nerves of several colleges. Fred was packing in Hermione's room while George was in Charlie's room. Hermione softly knocked on her door before she stepped in. Fred was looking at their picture from last summer.

"Did you make a copy?"

"Yeah, already tucked away." He padded on his chest pocket, looking gloom.

"Hey." Hermione crouched down in front of him, her hand caressing his cheek. "Look at me." Fred looked sad in her big soft brown eyes. "It won't be forever. We'll talk every night and before you know it, we will see each other again. I promise."

She leaned forward and claimed his lips in a long, sweet kiss.

"Hermione? Oh, sorry didn't mean to interrupt." George looked to the ceiling uncomfortable.

"It's fine, George." Hermione said while pulling back. George looked back at the couple and sat down next to Fred.

"I almost forgot. I got you an extra delayed birthday present."

"Oh, you didn't have to."

"I know." He shrugged and pulled out and wrapped present from behind his back. Hermione looked suspicious at the package before glancing between the twins. "What? It's safe."

"Don't you trust us?" Fred smiled at her.

"I trust you both with my life." Hermione smiled gently at the boys before standing up and squeezing between the twins. "You know what this is?"

"I don't actually. So, open it I'm curious."

"Fine." She laughed at his excitement. She undid the wrapping and, on her lap, lay two larger picture frames. One was with her and George and the other was a new photograph with her and Fred, sleeping in each other's arms on the sofa in Charlie's cabin.

"George, these are wonderful! Thank you!" She looked at George with her big brown eyes. "When did you take this one?" She pointed at the photo of her and Fred.

"Two nights ago, right before I woke you up and sent you to bed." He grinned at the both of them.

"I love it." She kissed him on the cheek. "I'm hanging them on my wall when you leave."

"Brilliant!" George stood up and walked to the door. "I'll just go finish packing. See you at the fireplace."

Hermione turned back to Fred who was rummaging in his bag. "I totally forgot." He murmured to himself. "With everything that's been going on. We've been so busy.

Hermione reached out her hand and grabbed his. "Fred?"

He sighed before he turned back to her. "I have a present for you too. And I completely forgot."

"It's okay, you already got me something."

"I know. I bought this one in the hopes you would give me another change." He pulled out a rectangle velvet box and placed it between them. "Open up." His ears turned red as he looked from her to the box. She clicked it open and saw a beautiful rose gold necklace with a pendant that was a dragon curled up with a little diamond in the middle. Her mouth dropped open as she looked from the necklace to her boyfriend.

"You don't like it?" Fred looked afraid.

"It's gorgeous! But it's too much, Fred."

"Nothing is too much for you. Turn around, I'll put it on." Hermione turned and Fred began placing the necklace on her neck. "I know you don't wear much jewelry, but this one can't break; you can easily tuck it inside your robes."

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