A Weasley Visit

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Ginny and George arrived in Charlie's empty living room. Ginny looked up at George with a small frown. Ginny has been here when she was ten years old but not much has changed. George though has never been here and was looking around the living room. His gaze stopped at the window as he saw the view of the mountains.


"I know." Ginny said as she came to a stop next to him and dropped her bag on the sofa. They both spun their head around as they heard laughter coming from the kitchen. Ginny walked first, knowing her way with George on her tail. Ginny slowly opened the door and saw Hermione and Charlie sitting next to each other laughing.

"What so funny?" Ginny asked, making them both jump. George was still hidden behind the door.

"Godric, sis. You don't need to send us in an early grave." Charlie chuckled as stood up and walked over giving her a tight hug.

"You knew I was arriving this morning." She huffed.

"We know. We just lost track of time." Hermione grabbed her in a tight hug when Charlie let her go.

"Oh! I almost forgot. I have a surprise!" Ginny smiled wide as she pushed the door further open, revealing George.

Hermione sucked in a breath before realizing which twin was in front of her. She let out her breath before speaking up.

"George!" She walked over and gave him a hug. "Aren't you needed at the shop?"

"No. With the kids at school, it isn't so busy. Besides Verity and Lee are covering."

"So glad to see you, George." Charlie gave him a quick hug and a pat on the back. "It's your first time here, right?" George nodded at his brother. "Let me show you around."

Charlie smiled as he left the two girls in the kitchen. Hermione walked over to the stove and put on a kettle. She turned back to her best friend smiling. Her smile faltered as she saw the look on her face. Hermione and Ginny talked about Romania and her training for another fifteen minutes before Charlie and George entered the kitchen again.

"You guys ready to see the reserve and the place Hermione spent most of her days?"

"Yes! Let's go!" George said eagerly. Hermione and Charlie glanced at it each and let out a chuckle. Hermione stood up and took the kettle of the stove before summoning their coats.

"Better wear your coats. It can get a bit chilly out here."

George and Ginny followed them around the reserve. Both of them noticed how excited and happy Hermione talked about everything there. They both shot nervous glances at each other throughout the tour. George was overwhelmed with the state of some dragons as they passed them.

"What happened to them?" He asked shocked as they passed a closure with three small dragons all of them with gashed and wounds across their bodies. Hermione and Charlie glanced sadly at the dragons before looking at George and Ginny.

"They were hunted down by wizards. They killed their mother. We were just in time to save them."

"It was horrible. The mother dragon died in my arms." Hermione chocked out, tears forming in her eyes.

"You were there?" George asked shocked.

"They needed volunteers and if something was to happen to them I could fix them up on the spot. Which was necessary by the way." She shook her head. "Those evil rotten -" she grumbled some more. Ginny and George eyes widened at the language Hermione spoke. "- those wizards. They were still there and didn't want to give up without a fight."

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